Source code for psychopy_sounddevice.backend_sounddevice

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__all__ = [

import sys
import os
import time
import re
import atexit

    import readline  # Work around GH-2230
except ImportError:
    pass  # all that will happen is the stderr/stdout might get redirected

from psychopy import logging
from psychopy.constants import (PLAYING, PAUSED, FINISHED, STOPPED,
from psychopy.sound.exceptions import SoundFormatError, DependencyError
from psychopy.sound._base import _SoundBase, HammingWindow

    import sounddevice as sd
except (ImportError, OSError):
    raise DependencyError("sounddevice not working")
    import soundfile as sf
except (ImportError, OSError):
    raise DependencyError("soundfile not working")

import numpy as np

travisCI = bool(str(os.environ.get('TRAVIS')).lower() == 'true')"Loaded SoundDevice with {}".format(sd.get_portaudio_version()[1]))

def init(rate=44100, stereo=True, buffer=128):
    pass  # for compatibility with other backends

def getDevices(kind=None):
    """Returns a dict of dict of audio devices of specified `kind`

    The dict keys are names and items are dicts of properties
    devs = {}
    if travisCI:  # travis-CI testing does not have a sound device
        return devs
        allDevs = sd.query_devices(kind=kind)
    # annoyingly query_devices is a DeviceList or a dict depending on number
    if type(allDevs) == dict:
        allDevs = [allDevs]
    for ii, dev in enumerate(allDevs):
        # newline characters must be removed
        devName = dev['name'].replace('\r\n','')
        devs[devName] = dev
        dev['id'] = ii
    return devs

# these will be controlled by
defaultInput = None
defaultOutput = None

def getStreamLabel(sampleRate, channels, blockSize):
    """Returns the string repr of the stream label
    return "{}_{}_{}".format(sampleRate, channels, blockSize)

class _StreamsDict(dict):
    """Keeps track of what streams have been created. On macOS we can have
    multiple streams under portaudio but under windows we can only have one.

    use the instance `streams` rather than creating a new instance of this

    def getStream(self, sampleRate, channels, blockSize):
        """Gets a stream of exact match or returns a new one
        (if possible for the current operating system)
        # if the query looks flexible then try getSimilar
        if channels == -1 or blockSize == -1:
            return self._getSimilar(sampleRate,
            return self._getStream(sampleRate,

    def _getSimilar(self, sampleRate, channels=-1, blockSize=-1):
        """Do we already have a compatible stream?

        Many sounds can allow channels and blocksize to change but samplerate
        is generally fixed. Any values set to -1 above will be flexible. Any
        values set to an alternative number will be fixed


            label, stream = streams._getSimilar(sampleRate=44100,  # must match
                                               channels=-1,  # any
                                               blockSize=-1)  # wildcard
        label = getStreamLabel(sampleRate, channels, blockSize)
        # replace -1 with any regex integer
        simil = re.compile(label.replace("-1", r"[-+]?(\d+)"))  # I hate REGEX!
        for thisFormat in self:
            if simil.match(thisFormat):  # we found a close-enough match
                return thisFormat, self[thisFormat]
        # if we've been given values in each place then create stream
        if (sampleRate not in [None, -1, 0] and
                    channels not in [None, -1] and
                    blockSize not in [None, -1]):
            return self._getStream(sampleRate, channels, blockSize)

    def _getStream(self, sampleRate, channels, blockSize):
        """Strict check for this format or create new
        label = getStreamLabel(sampleRate, channels, blockSize)
        # try to retrieve existing stream of that name
        if label in self:
        # on some systems more than one stream isn't supported so check
        elif sys.platform == 'win32' and len(self):
            raise SoundFormatError(
                "Tried to create audio stream {} but {} already exists "
                "and {} doesn't support multiple portaudio streams"
                    .format(label, list(self.keys())[0], sys.platform)
            # create new stream
            self[label] = _SoundStream(sampleRate, channels, blockSize,
        return label, self[label]

streams = _StreamsDict()

class _SoundStream:
    def __init__(self, sampleRate, channels, blockSize,
                 device=None, duplex=False):
        # initialise thread
        self.streams = []
        self.list = []
        # sound stream info
        self.sampleRate = sampleRate
        self.channels = channels
        self.duplex = duplex
        self.blockSize = blockSize
        self.label = getStreamLabel(sampleRate, channels, blockSize)
        if device == 'default':
            device = None
        self.sounds = []  # list of dicts for sounds currently playing
        self.takeTimeStamp = False
        self.frameN = 1
        # self.frameTimes = range(5)  # DEBUGGING: store the last 5 callbacks
        if not travisCI:  # travis-CI testing does not have a sound device
            self._sdStream = sd.OutputStream(samplerate=self.sampleRate,
            self.device = self._sdStream.device
            self.latency = self._sdStream.latency
            self.cpu_load = self._sdStream.cpu_load
        self._tSoundRequestPlay = 0

        self._isPlaying = False

    def isPlaying(self):
        """`True` if the audio playback is ongoing."""
        return self._isPlaying

    def callback(self, toSpk, blockSize, timepoint, status):
        """This is a callback for the SoundDevice lib

        fromMic is data from the mic that can be extracted
        toSpk is a numpy array to be populated with data
        blockSize is the number of frames to be included each block
        timepoint has values:
        if self.takeTimeStamp and hasattr(self, 'lastFrameTime'):
  "Entered callback: {} ms after last frame end"
                         .format((time.time() - self.lastFrameTime) * 1000))
  "Entered callback: {} ms after sound start"
                (time.time() - self._tSoundRequestPlay) * 1000))
        t0 = time.time()
        self.frameN += 1
        for thisSound in list(self.sounds): # copy (Py2 doesn't have list.copy)
            dat = thisSound._nextBlock()  # fetch the next block of data
            dat *= thisSound.volume  # Set the volume block by block
            if self.channels == 2 and len(dat.shape) == 2:
                toSpk[:len(dat), :] += dat  # add to out stream
            elif self.channels == 2 and len(dat.shape) == 1:
                toSpk[:len(dat), 0] += dat  # add to out stream
                toSpk[:len(dat), 1] += dat  # add to out stream
            elif self.channels == 1 and len(dat.shape) == 2:
                toSpk[:len(dat), :] += dat  # add to out stream
                toSpk[:len(dat), 0:self.channels] += dat  # add to out stream
            # check if that was a short block (sound is finished)
            if len(dat) < len(toSpk[:, :]):
                # check if that took a long time
                # t1 = time.time()
                # if (t1-t0) > 0.001:
                #     logging.debug("buffer_callback took {:.3f}ms that frame"
                #                  .format((t1-t0)*1000))
                # self.frameTimes.pop(0)
                # if hasattr(self, 'lastFrameTime'):
                #     self.frameTimes.append(time.time()-self.lastFrameTime)
                # self.lastFrameTime = time.time()
                # if self.takeTimeStamp:
                #     logging.debug("Callback durations: {}".format(self.frameTimes))
                #     self.takeTimeStamp = False

    def add(self, sound):
        # t0 = time.time()
        # logging.debug("took {} ms to add".format((time.time()-t0)*1000))

    def remove(self, sound):
        if sound in self.sounds:

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_sdStream'):
            if not travisCI:
            del self._sdStream
        if hasattr(sys, 'stdout'):

[docs]class SoundDeviceSound(_SoundBase): """Play a variety of sounds using the new SoundDevice library """ def __init__(self, value="C", secs=0.5, octave=4, stereo=-1, volume=1.0, loops=0, sampleRate=None, blockSize=128, preBuffer=-1, hamming=True, startTime=0, stopTime=-1, name='', autoLog=True): """ :param value: note name ("C","Bfl"), filename or frequency (Hz) :param secs: duration (for synthesised tones) :param octave: which octave to use for note names (4 is middle) :param stereo: -1 (auto), True or False to force sounds to stereo or mono :param volume: float 0-1 :param loops: number of loops to play (-1=forever, 0=single repeat) :param sampleRate: sample rate (for synthesized tones) :param blockSize: the size of the buffer on the sound card (small for low latency, large for stability) :param preBuffer: integer to control streaming/buffering - -1 means store all - 0 (no buffer) means stream from disk - potentially we could buffer a few secs(!?) :param hamming: boolean (default True) to indicate if the sound should be apodized (i.e., the onset and offset smoothly ramped up from down to zero). The function apodize uses a Hanning window, but arguments named 'hamming' are preserved so that existing code is not broken by the change from Hamming to Hanning internally. Not applied to sounds from files. :param startTime: for sound files this controls the start of snippet :param stopTime: for sound files this controls the end of snippet :param name: string for logging purposes :param autoLog: whether to automatically log every change """ self.sound = value = name self.secs = secs # for any synthesised sounds (notesand freqs) self.octave = octave # for note name sounds self.loops = loops self._loopsFinished = 0 self.volume = volume self.startTime = startTime # for files self.stopTime = stopTime # for files specify thesection to be played self.blockSize = blockSize # can be per-sound unlike other backends self.preBuffer = preBuffer self.frameN = 0 self._tSoundRequestPlay = 0 if sampleRate: #a rate was requested so use it self.sampleRate = sampleRate else: # no requested rate so use current stream or a default of 44100 rate = 44100 # start with a default for streamLabel in streams: # then look to see if we have an open stream and use that rate = streams[streamLabel].sampleRate self.sampleRate = rate self.stereo = stereo if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): self.channels = value.shape[1] # let this be set by stereo self.multichannel = False self.duplex = None self.autoLog = autoLog self.streamLabel = "" self.sourceType = 'unknown' # set to be file, array or freq self.sndFile = None self.sndArr = None self.hamming = hamming self._hammingWindow = None # will be created during setSound # setSound (determines sound type) self.setSound(value, secs=self.secs, octave=self.octave, hamming=self.hamming) self.status = NOT_STARTED self._isPlaying = False @property def isPlaying(self): """`True` if the audio playback is ongoing.""" return self._isPlaying @property def stereo(self): return self.__dict__['stereo'] @stereo.setter def stereo(self, val): self.__dict__['stereo'] = val if val is True: self.__dict__['channels'] = 2 elif val is False: self.__dict__['channels'] = 1 elif val == -1: self.__dict__['channels'] = -1
[docs] def setSound(self, value, secs=0.5, octave=4, hamming=None, log=True): """Set the sound to be played. Often this is not needed by the user - it is called implicitly during initialisation. :parameters: value: can be a number, string or an array: * If it's a number between 37 and 32767 then a tone will be generated at that frequency in Hz. * It could be a string for a note ('A', 'Bfl', 'B', 'C', 'Csh'. ...). Then you may want to specify which octave. * Or a string could represent a filename in the current location, or mediaLocation, or a full path combo * Or by giving an Nx2 numpy array of floats (-1:1) you can specify the sound yourself as a waveform secs: duration (only relevant if the value is a note name or a frequency value) octave: is only relevant if the value is a note name. Middle octave of a piano is 4. Most computers won't output sounds in the bottom octave (1) and the top octave (8) is generally painful """ # start with the base class method _SoundBase.setSound(self, value, secs, octave, hamming, log) try: label, s = streams.getStream(sampleRate=self.sampleRate, channels=self.channels, blockSize=self.blockSize) except SoundFormatError as err: # try to use something similar (e.g. mono->stereo) # then check we have an appropriate stream open altern = streams._getSimilar(sampleRate=self.sampleRate, channels=-1, blockSize=-1) if altern is None: raise err else: # safe to extract data label, s = altern # update self in case it changed to fit the stream self.sampleRate = s.sampleRate self.channels = s.channels self.blockSize = s.blockSize self.streamLabel = label if hamming is None: hamming = self.hamming else: self.hamming = hamming if hamming: # 5ms or 15th of stimulus (for short sounds) hammDur = min(0.005, # 5ms self.secs / 15.0) # 15th of stim self._hammingWindow = HammingWindow(winSecs=hammDur, soundSecs=self.secs, sampleRate=self.sampleRate)
def _setSndFromFile(self, filename): self.sndFile = f = sf.SoundFile(filename) self.sourceType = 'file' self.sampleRate = f.samplerate if self.channels == -1: # if channels was auto then set to file val self.channels = f.channels fileDuration = float(len(f))/f.samplerate # needed for duration? # process start time if self.startTime and self.startTime > 0: startFrame = self.startTime * self.sampleRate self.t = self.startTime else: self.t = 0 # process stop time if self.stopTime and self.stopTime > 0: requestedDur = self.stopTime - self.t self.duration = min(requestedDur, fileDuration) else: self.duration = fileDuration - self.t # can now calculate duration in frames self.durationFrames = int(round(self.duration * self.sampleRate)) # are we preloading or streaming? if self.preBuffer == 0: # no buffer - stream from disk on each call to nextBlock pass elif self.preBuffer == -1: # full pre-buffer. Load requested duration to memory sndArr = frames=int(self.sampleRate * self.duration)) self.sndFile.close() self._setSndFromArray(sndArr) self._channelCheck(self.sndArr) # Check for fewer channels in stream vs data array def _setSndFromFreq(self, thisFreq, secs, hamming=True): self.freq = thisFreq self.secs = secs self.sourceType = 'freq' self.t = 0 self.duration = self.secs if self.stereo == -1: self.stereo = 0 def _setSndFromArray(self, thisArray): self.sndArr = np.asarray(thisArray) if thisArray.ndim == 1: self.sndArr.shape = [len(thisArray), 1] # make 2D for broadcasting if self.channels == 2 and self.sndArr.shape[1] == 1: # mono -> stereo self.sndArr = self.sndArr.repeat(2, axis=1) elif self.sndArr.shape[1] == 1: # if channels in [-1,1] then pass pass else: try: self.sndArr.shape = [len(thisArray), self.channels] except ValueError: raise ValueError("Failed to format sound with shape {} " "into sound with channels={}" .format(self.sndArr.shape, self.channels)) # is this stereo? if self.stereo == -1: # auto stereo. Try to detect if self.sndArr.shape[1] == 1: self.stereo = 0 elif self.sndArr.shape[1] == 2: self.stereo = 1 elif self.sndArr.shape[1] >= 2: self.multichannel = True # raise IOError("Couldn't determine whether array is " # "stereo. Shape={}".format(self.sndArr.shape)) self._nSamples = thisArray.shape[0] if self.stopTime == -1: self.duration = self._nSamples/float(self.sampleRate) # set to run from the start: self.sourceType = "array"
[docs] def _channelCheck(self, array): """Checks whether stream has fewer channels than data. If True, ValueError""" if self.channels < array.shape[1]: msg = ("The sound stream is set up incorrectly. You have fewer channels in the buffer " "than in data file ({} vs {}).\n**Ensure you have selected 'Force stereo' in " "experiment settings**".format(self.channels, array.shape[1])) logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def play(self, loops=None, when=None): """Start the sound playing Parameters -------------- when: not used Included for compatibility purposes """ if self.isPlaying: return if loops is not None and self.loops != loops: self.setLoops(loops) self._isPlaying = True self._tSoundRequestPlay = time.time() streams[self.streamLabel].takeTimeStamp = True streams[self.streamLabel].add(self)
[docs] def pause(self): """Stop the sound but play will continue from here if needed """ # if self.status == PAUSED: # return # # self.status = PAUSED streams[self.streamLabel].remove(self)
[docs] def stop(self, reset=True): """Stop the sound and return to beginning """ if not self.isPlaying: return streams[self.streamLabel].remove(self) if reset: self._isPlaying = False
def _nextBlock(self): if not self.isPlaying: return samplesLeft = int((self.duration - self.t) * self.sampleRate) nSamples = min(self.blockSize, samplesLeft) if self.sourceType == 'file' and self.preBuffer == 0: # streaming sound block-by-block direct from file block = # TODO: check if we already finished using sndFile? elif (self.sourceType == 'file' and self.preBuffer == -1) \ or self.sourceType == 'array': # An array, or a file entirely loaded into an array ii = int(round(self.t * self.sampleRate)) if self.stereo == 1 or self.multichannel: # don't treat as boolean. Might be -1 block = self.sndArr[ii:ii + nSamples, :] elif self.stereo == 0: block = self.sndArr[ii:ii + nSamples] else: raise IOError("Unknown stereo type {!r}" .format(self.stereo)) if ii + nSamples > len(self.sndArr): self._EOS() elif self.sourceType == 'freq': startT = self.t stopT = self.t + self.blockSize/float(self.sampleRate) xx = np.linspace( start=startT * self.freq * 2 * np.pi, stop=stopT * self.freq * 2 * np.pi, num=self.blockSize, endpoint=False ) xx.shape = [self.blockSize, 1] block = np.sin(xx) # if run beyond our desired t then set to zeros if stopT > (self.secs): tRange = np.linspace(startT, self.blockSize*self.sampleRate, num=self.blockSize, endpoint=False) block[tRange > self.secs] = 0 # and inform our EOS function that we finished self._EOS(reset=False) # don't set t=0 else: raise IOError("SoundDeviceSound._nextBlock doesn't correctly handle" "{!r} sounds yet".format(self.sourceType)) if self._hammingWindow: thisWin = self._hammingWindow.nextBlock(self.t, self.blockSize) if thisWin is not None: if len(block) == len(thisWin): block *= thisWin elif block.shape[0] == 0: pass else: block *= thisWin[0:len(block)] self.t += self.blockSize/float(self.sampleRate) return block def seek(self, t): self.t = t self.frameN = int(round(t * self.sampleRate)) if self.sndFile and not self.sndFile.closed:
[docs] def _EOS(self, reset=True): """Function called on End Of Stream """ self._loopsFinished += 1 if self.loops == 0: self.stop(reset=reset) elif self.loops > 0 and self._loopsFinished >= self.loops: self.stop(reset=reset) streams[self.streamLabel].remove(self) self._isPlaying = False
@property def stream(self): """Read-only property returns the the stream on which the sound will be played """ return streams[self.streamLabel]
if __name__ == "__main__": pass

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