Source code for psychopy_eyetracker_gazepoint.gazepoint.gp3.eyetracker

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 iSolver Software Solutions (C) 2021 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

import errno
import sys

from gevent import socket

from psychopy.iohub.devices.eyetracker.eye_events import *
from psychopy.iohub.devices import Computer, Device
from psychopy.iohub.devices.eyetracker import EyeTrackerDevice
from psychopy.iohub.constants import EyeTrackerConstants
from psychopy.iohub.errors import print2err, printExceptionDetailsToStdErr
from psychopy.iohub.util import updateSettings

getTime = Computer.getTime

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    from ctypes import byref, c_int64, windll
    _fcounter_ = c_int64()
    _qpfreq_ = c_int64()
    _qpfreq_ = float(_qpfreq_.value)
    _winQPC_ = windll.Kernel32.QueryPerformanceCounter

    def getLocalhostGP3Time():
        return _fcounter_.value / _qpfreq_

def to_numeric(lit):
    """Return value of a numeric literal string. If the string can not be
    converted then the original string is returned.

    :param lit:

    # Handle '0'
    if lit == '0':
        return 0
    # Hex/Binary
    litneg = lit[1:] if lit[0] == '-' else lit
    if litneg[0] == '0':
        if litneg[1] in 'xX':
            return int(lit, 16)
        elif litneg[1] in 'bB':
            return int(lit, 2)
                return int(lit, 8)
            except ValueError:

    # Int/Float/Complex
        return int(lit)
    except ValueError:
        return float(lit)
    except ValueError:
        return complex(lit)
    except ValueError:

    # return original str
    return lit

[docs]class EyeTracker(EyeTrackerDevice): """ To start iohub with a Gazepoint GP3 eye tracker device, add a GP3 device to the device dictionary passed to launchHubServer or the experiment's iohub_config.yaml:: eyetracker.hw.gazepoint.gp3.EyeTracker .. note:: The Gazepoint control application **must** be running while using this interface. Examples: A. Start ioHub with Gazepoint GP3 device and run tracker calibration:: from psychopy.iohub import launchHubServer from psychopy.core import getTime, wait iohub_config = {'eyetracker.hw.gazepoint.gp3.EyeTracker': {'name': 'tracker', 'device_timer': {'interval': 0.005}}} io = launchHubServer(**iohub_config) # Get the eye tracker device. tracker = io.devices.tracker # run eyetracker calibration r = tracker.runSetupProcedure() B. Print all eye tracker events received for 2 seconds:: # Check for and print any eye tracker events received... tracker.setRecordingState(True) stime = getTime() while getTime()-stime < 2.0: for e in tracker.getEvents(): print(e) C. Print current eye position for 5 seconds:: # Check for and print current eye position every 100 msec. stime = getTime() while getTime()-stime < 5.0: print(tracker.getPosition()) wait(0.1) tracker.setRecordingState(False) # Stop the ioHub Server io.quit() """ # GP3 tracker times are received as msec # DEVICE_TIMEBASE_TO_SEC = 1.0 EVENT_CLASS_NAMES = [ 'GazepointSampleEvent', 'BinocularEyeSampleEvent', 'FixationStartEvent', 'FixationEndEvent', 'SaccadeStartEvent', 'SaccadeEndEvent', 'BlinkStartEvent', 'BlinkEndEvent'] _recording = False __slots__ = ['_gp3', '_rx_buffer', '_ttfreq', '_last_fix_evt', '_serverIsLocalhost'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): EyeTrackerDevice.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Holds the GP3 socket interface self._gp3 = None # Holds data received from GP3 tracker that has not yet been parsed # into messages self._rx_buffer = '' # Used to hold the last sample processed by iohub. self._latest_sample = None # Used to hold the last valid gaze position processed by ioHub. # If the last sample received from the GP3 indicates missing eye # position, then this is set to None # self._latest_gaze_position = None # Connect to the eye tracker server by default. self.setConnectionState(True) self._serverIsLocalhost = self.getConfiguration().get('network_settings').get('ip_address') in ['localhost', ''] self._gp3get("TIME_TICK_FREQUENCY") self._ttfreq = self._waitForAck('TIME_TICK_FREQUENCY').get("FREQ") self._last_fix_evt = None
[docs] def trackerTime(self): """ Current eye tracker time in the eye tracker's native time base. The GP3 system uses a sec.usec timebase based on the Windows QPC, so when running on a single computer setup, iohub can directly read the current gazepoint time. When running with a two computer setup, current gazepoint time is assumed to equal current local time. Returns: float: current native eye tracker time in sec.msec format. """ if sys.platform == 'win32' and self._serverIsLocalhost: return getLocalhostGP3Time() return getTime()
[docs] def trackerSec(self): """ Same as the GP3 implementation of trackerTime(). """ return self.trackerTime() * self.DEVICE_TIMEBASE_TO_SEC
def _sendRequest(self, rtype, ID, **kwargs): params = '' for k, v in kwargs.items(): params += ' {}="{}"'.format(k, v) rqstr = '<{} ID="{}" {} />\r\n'.format(rtype, ID, params) # print2err("Sending: {}\n".format(rqstr)) self._gp3.sendall(str.encode(rqstr)) def _gp3set(self, ID, **kwargs): self._sendRequest("SET", ID, **kwargs) def _gp3get(self, ID, **kwargs): self._sendRequest("GET", ID, **kwargs) def _waitForAck(self, type_id, timeout=5.0): stime = getTime() while getTime() - stime < timeout: self._checkForNetData(0.25) msgs = self._parseRxBuffer() for m in msgs: if m.get('ID') == type_id: return m return None def _checkForNetData(self, timeout=0.0): self._gp3.settimeout(timeout) while True: try: rxdat = self._gp3.recv(4096) if rxdat: self._rx_buffer += bytes.decode(rxdat).replace('\r\n', '') return self._rx_buffer else: print2err('***** GP3 Closed Connection *****') # Connection closed self.setRecordingState(False) self.setConnectionState(False) self._rx_buffer = '' return None except socket.error as e: err = e.args[0] if err == errno.EAGAIN or err == errno.EWOULDBLOCK or err == 'timed out': # non blocking socket found no data; it happens. return self._rx_buffer else: # a valid error occurred print2err('***** _checkForNetData Error *****') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() return self._rx_buffer def _parseRxBuffer(self): msgs = [] while self._rx_buffer: msg_end_ix = self._rx_buffer.find('/>') if msg_end_ix >= 0: msgtxt = self._rx_buffer[:msg_end_ix] msg_start_ix = msgtxt.find('<') if len(msgtxt) > 1 and msg_start_ix >= 0: msgtxt = msgtxt[msg_start_ix + 1:] msgtoks = msgtxt.split() if msgtoks: msg = dict(type=msgtoks[0]) for t in msgtoks[1:]: tkey, tval = t.split('=') try: msg[tkey] = to_numeric(tval.strip('"')) except Exception: msg[tkey] = tval msgs.append(msg) else: print2err('Incomplete Message Found: [', msgtxt, ']') self._rx_buffer = self._rx_buffer[msg_end_ix + 2:] else: break return msgs def setConnectionState(self, enable): """ Connects or disconnects from the GP3 eye tracking hardware. By default, when ioHub is started, a connection is automatically made, and when the experiment completes and ioHub is closed, so is the GP3 connection. Args: enable (bool): True = enable the connection, False = disable the connection. Return: bool: indicates the current connection state to the eye tracking hardware. """ if enable is True and self._gp3 is None: try: self._rx_buffer = '' self._gp3 = socket.socket() haddress = self.getConfiguration().get('network_settings').get('ip_address') hport = int(self.getConfiguration().get('network_settings').get('port')) address = (haddress, hport) self._gp3.connect(address) init_connection_str = '' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_POG_LEFT" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_POG_RIGHT" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_PUPIL_LEFT" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_PUPIL_RIGHT" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_POG_FIX" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_POG_BEST" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_EYE_LEFT" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_EYE_RIGHT" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_COUNTER" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_DIAL" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_GSR" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_HR" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_HR_PULSE" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_TIME" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_TIME_TICK" STATE="1" />\r\n' init_connection_str += '<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_DATA" STATE="0" />\r\n' self._gp3.sendall(str.encode(init_connection_str)) if self._waitForAck('ENABLE_SEND_TIME_TICK'): self._rx_buffer = '' return True else: return False except socket.error as e: if e.args[0] == 10061: print2err('***** Socket Error: Check Gazepoint control software is running *****') print2err('Error connecting to GP3 ', e) elif enable is False and self._gp3: try: if self._gp3: self.setRecordingState(False) self._gp3.close() self._gp3 = None self._rx_buffer = '' except Exception: print2err('Problem disconnecting from device - GP3') self._rx_buffer = '' return self.isConnected() def isConnected(self): """ isConnected returns whether the GP3 is connected to the experiment PC and if the tracker state is valid. Returns True if the tracker can be put into Record mode, etc and False if there is an error with the tracker or tracker connection with the experiment PC. Return: bool: True = the eye tracking hardware is connected. False otherwise. """ return self._gp3 is not None def sendMessage(self, message_contents, time_offset=None): """ The sendMessage method sends the message_contents str to the GP3. """ try: if time_offset is not None: print2err('Warning: GP3 EyeTracker.sendMessage time_offset argument is ignored.') if self._gp3 and self.isRecordingEnabled() is True: strMessage = '<SET ID="USER_DATA" VALUE="{0}"/>\r\n'.format(message_contents) self._gp3.sendall(strMessage) except Exception: print2err('Problems sending message: {0}'.format(message_contents)) printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() return EyeTrackerConstants.EYETRACKER_OK
[docs] def enableEventReporting(self, enabled=True): """ enableEventReporting is functionally identical to the eye tracker device specific setRecordingState method. """ try: self.setRecordingState(enabled) enabled = EyeTrackerDevice.enableEventReporting(self, enabled) return enabled except Exception as e: print2err('Exception in EyeTracker.enableEventReporting: ', str(e)) printExceptionDetailsToStdErr()
[docs] def setRecordingState(self, recording): """ setRecordingState is used to start or stop the recording of data from the eye tracking device. args: recording (bool): if True, the eye tracker will start recordng available eye data and sending it to the experiment program if data streaming was enabled for the device. If recording == False, then the eye tracker stops recording eye data and streaming it to the experiment. If the eye tracker is already recording, and setRecordingState(True) is called, the eye tracker will simple continue recording and the method call is a no-op. Likewise if the system has already stopped recording and setRecordingState(False) is called again. Args: recording (bool): if True, the eye tracker will start recordng data.; false = stop recording data. Return:trackerTime bool: the current recording state of the eye tracking device """ current_state = self.isRecordingEnabled() if self._gp3 and recording is True and current_state is False: self._rx_buffer = '' self._gp3.sendall( str.encode('<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_DATA" STATE="1" />\r\n')) rxdat = self._checkForNetData(1.0) if rxdat is None: EyeTracker._recording = False return EyeTrackerDevice.enableEventReporting(self, False) EyeTracker._recording = True elif self._gp3 and recording is False and current_state is True: self._rx_buffer = '' self._gp3.sendall( str.encode('<SET ID="ENABLE_SEND_DATA" STATE="0" />\r\n')) self._checkForNetData(1.0) EyeTracker._recording = False self._latest_sample = None self._latest_gaze_position = None return EyeTrackerDevice.enableEventReporting(self, recording)
[docs] def isRecordingEnabled(self): """ isRecordingEnabled returns the recording state from the eye tracking device. Return: bool: True == the device is recording data; False == Recording is not occurring """ if self._gp3: return self._recording return False
[docs] def runSetupProcedure(self, calibration_args={}): """ Start the eye tracker calibration procedure. """ cal_config = updateSettings(self.getConfiguration().get('calibration'), calibration_args) #print2err("gp3 cal_config:", cal_config) use_builtin = cal_config.get('use_builtin') targ_timeout = cal_config.get('target_duration') targ_delay = cal_config.get('target_delay') self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_TIMEOUT', VALUE=targ_timeout) self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_DELAY', VALUE=targ_delay) self._waitForAck('CALIBRATE_DELAY', timeout=2.0) if use_builtin is True: self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_RESET') self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_SHOW', STATE=1) self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_START', STATE=1) else: from .calibration import GazepointCalibrationProcedure calibration = GazepointCalibrationProcedure(self, calibration_args) calibration.runCalibration() calibration.window.close() calibration._unregisterEventMonitors() calibration.clearAllEventBuffers() # Get calibration result and return to experiment process. cal_result = self._waitForAck('CALIB_RESULT', timeout=30.0) if cal_result: self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_SHOW', STATE=0) self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_START', STATE=0) self._gp3get('CALIBRATE_RESULT_SUMMARY') del cal_result['type'] del cal_result['ID'] cal_summary = self._waitForAck('CALIBRATE_RESULT_SUMMARY') del cal_summary['type'] del cal_summary['ID'] cal_result['SUMMARY'] = cal_summary self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_SHOW', STATE=0) self._gp3set('CALIBRATE_START', STATE=0) return cal_result
def _poll(self): """ This method is called by iohub every n msec based on the polling interval set in the eye tracker config. """ try: if not self.isRecordingEnabled(): return logged_time = Computer.getTime() tracker_time = self.trackerTime() # Check for any new rx data from gp3 socket. # If None is returned, that means the gp3 closed the socket # connection. if self._checkForNetData() is None: return # Parse any rx text received from the gp3 into msg dicts. msgs = self._parseRxBuffer() for m in msgs: if m.get('type') == 'REC': binocSample = self._parseSampleFromMsg(m, logged_time, tracker_time) self._addNativeEventToBuffer(binocSample) # left / right eye pos avg. data combined_gaze_x = m.get('FPOGX', ET_UNDEFINED) combined_gaze_y = m.get('FPOGY', ET_UNDEFINED) combined_gaze_x, combined_gaze_y = self._eyeTrackerToDisplayCoords( (combined_gaze_x, combined_gaze_y)) if combined_gaze_x is not None and combined_gaze_y is not None: self._latest_gaze_position = (combined_gaze_x, combined_gaze_y) else: self._latest_gaze_position = None for fix_evt in self._parseFixationFromMsg(m, logged_time, tracker_time): self._addNativeEventToBuffer(fix_evt) elif m.get('type') == 'ACK': pass # print2err('ACK Received: ', m) else: # Message type is not being handled. print2err('UNHANDLED GP3 MESSAGE: ', m) self._last_poll_time = logged_time except Exception: print2err('ERROR occurred during GP3 Sample Callback.') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() finally: return 0 def _parseFixationFromMsg(self, m, logged_time, tracker_time): fix_evts = [] fix_valid = m.get('FPOGV', ET_UNDEFINED) if fix_valid == 1: fix_x, fix_y = self._eyeTrackerToDisplayCoords((m.get('FPOGX', ET_UNDEFINED), m.get('FPOGY', ET_UNDEFINED))) fix_stime = m.get('FPOGS', ET_UNDEFINED) fix_duration = m.get('FPOGD', ET_UNDEFINED) fix_id = m.get('FPOGID', ET_UNDEFINED) m = dict(FPOGID=fix_id, FPOGV=fix_valid, FPOGX=fix_x, FPOGY=fix_y, FPOGS=fix_stime, FPOGD=fix_duration, TIME=int(m.get('TIME')), TIME_TICK=int(m.get('TIME_TICK'))) if self._last_fix_evt is None: # Create start fixation evt based on m fix_evts = self._createStartFixEvt(m, logged_time, tracker_time) elif fix_id != self._last_fix_evt.get('FPOGID'): # Create Fixation end evt based on self._last_fix_evt fix_evts = self._createEndFixEvt(self._last_fix_evt, logged_time, tracker_time) # Create start fixation evt based on m fstart = self._createStartFixEvt(m, logged_time, tracker_time) fix_evts.extend(fstart) self._last_fix_evt = m return fix_evts def _createStartFixEvt(self, m, logged_time, tracker_time): # Create start fixation evt based on m # GP3 does not create separate left and right eye fix evts, so we # create a left and right fix evt each time. gaze = m.get('FPOGX', ET_UNDEFINED), m.get('FPOGY', ET_UNDEFINED) fix_dur = m.get('FPOGD', ET_UNDEFINED) if self._serverIsLocalhost: evt_tick_time = int(m.get('TIME_TICK', ET_UNDEFINED)) evt_tick_sec = evt_tick_time / self._ttfreq sample_delay = tracker_time - evt_tick_sec iohub_time = logged_time - sample_delay - fix_dur else: sample_delay = 0 iohub_time = logged_time - sample_delay - fix_dur device_time = m.get('FPOGS', ET_UNDEFINED) confidence_interval = logged_time - self._last_poll_time etype = EventConstants.FIXATION_START estatus = 0 sel = [ 0, # exp ID 0, # sess ID 0, # device id (not currently used) Device._getNextEventID(), # event ID etype, # event type device_time, logged_time, iohub_time, confidence_interval, sample_delay, 0, EyeTrackerConstants.LEFT_EYE, # eye gaze[0], # gaze x gaze[1], # gaze y ET_UNDEFINED, # gaze z ET_UNDEFINED, # angle x ET_UNDEFINED, # angle y ET_UNDEFINED, # raw x ET_UNDEFINED, # raw y ET_UNDEFINED, # pupil measure 1 ET_UNDEFINED, # pupil measure type 1 ET_UNDEFINED, # pupil measure 2 ET_UNDEFINED, # pupil measure 2 type ET_UNDEFINED, # ppd x ET_UNDEFINED, # ppd y ET_UNDEFINED, # velocity x ET_UNDEFINED, # velocity y ET_UNDEFINED, # velocity xy estatus # status ] ser = list(sel) ser[3] = Device._getNextEventID() ser[11] = EyeTrackerConstants.RIGHT_EYE return [sel, ser] def _createEndFixEvt(self, m, logged_time, tracker_time): # Create end fixation evt based on m etype = EventConstants.FIXATION_END estatus = 0 gaze = m.get('FPOGX', ET_UNDEFINED), m.get('FPOGY', ET_UNDEFINED) fix_dur = m.get('FPOGD', ET_UNDEFINED) device_time = m.get('FPOGS', ET_UNDEFINED) + fix_dur if self._serverIsLocalhost: evt_tick_time = int(m.get('TIME_TICK', ET_UNDEFINED)) evt_tick_sec = evt_tick_time / self._ttfreq sample_delay = tracker_time - evt_tick_sec else: sample_delay = 0 confidence_interval = logged_time - self._last_poll_time iohub_time = logged_time - sample_delay eel = [0, 0, 0, # device id (not currently used) Device._getNextEventID(), etype, device_time, logged_time, iohub_time, confidence_interval, sample_delay, 0, EyeTrackerConstants.LEFT_EYE, fix_dur, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, gaze[0], gaze[1], ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, ET_UNDEFINED, estatus ] eer = list(eel) eer[3] = Device._getNextEventID() eer[11] = EyeTrackerConstants.RIGHT_EYE return [eel, eer] def _parseSampleFromMsg(self, m, logged_time, tracker_time): # Always use GAZEPOINT_SAMPLE event_type = EventConstants.GAZEPOINT_SAMPLE # in seconds, take from the REC TIME field event_timestamp = m.get('TIME', ET_UNDEFINED) if self._serverIsLocalhost: evt_tick_time = int(m.get('TIME_TICK', ET_UNDEFINED)) evt_tick_sec = evt_tick_time / self._ttfreq sample_delay = tracker_time - evt_tick_sec else: sample_delay = 0 iohub_time = logged_time - sample_delay confidence_interval = logged_time - self._last_poll_time left_gaze_x = m.get('LPOGX', ET_UNDEFINED) left_gaze_y = m.get('LPOGY', ET_UNDEFINED) left_gaze_x, left_gaze_y = self._eyeTrackerToDisplayCoords( (left_gaze_x, left_gaze_y)) left_pupil_size = m.get( 'LPD', ET_UNDEFINED) # diameter of pupil in pixels left_pupil_size_2 = m.get("LPUPILD", ET_UNDEFINED) # diameter of pupil in meters (sic!) right_gaze_x = m.get('RPOGX', ET_UNDEFINED) right_gaze_y = m.get('RPOGY', ET_UNDEFINED) right_gaze_x, right_gaze_y = self._eyeTrackerToDisplayCoords( (right_gaze_x, right_gaze_y)) right_pupil_size = m.get( 'RPD', ET_UNDEFINED) # diameter of pupil in pixels right_pupil_size_2 = m.get("RPUPILD", ET_UNDEFINED) # diameter of pupil in meters (sic!) # # The X and Y-coordinates of the left and right eye pupil # in the camera image, as a fraction of the # camera image size. left_raw_x = m.get('LPCX', ET_UNDEFINED) left_raw_y = m.get('LPCY', ET_UNDEFINED) right_raw_x = m.get('RPCX', ET_UNDEFINED) right_raw_y = m.get('RPCY', ET_UNDEFINED) left_eye_status = m.get('LPOGV', ET_UNDEFINED) right_eye_status = m.get('RPOGV', ET_UNDEFINED) dial = m.get('DIAL', ET_UNDEFINED) dialv = m.get('DIALV', ET_UNDEFINED) gsr = m.get('GSR', ET_UNDEFINED) gsrv = m.get('GSRV', ET_UNDEFINED) hr = m.get('HR', ET_UNDEFINED) hrv = m.get('HRV', ET_UNDEFINED) hrp = m.get('HRP', ET_UNDEFINED) # 0 = both eyes OK status = 0 if left_eye_status == right_eye_status and right_eye_status == 0: # both eyes are missing status = 22 elif left_eye_status == 0: # Just left eye missing status = 20 elif right_eye_status == 0: # Just right eye missing status = 2 return [ 0, # experiment_id, iohub fills in automatically 0, # session_id, iohub fills in automatically 0, # device id, keep at 0 Device._getNextEventID(), # iohub event unique ID event_type, # BINOCULAR_EYE_SAMPLE event_timestamp, # eye tracker device time stamp logged_time, # time _poll is called iohub_time, confidence_interval, sample_delay, 0, left_gaze_x, left_gaze_y, left_raw_x, left_raw_y, left_pupil_size, EyeTrackerConstants.PUPIL_DIAMETER, left_pupil_size_2 * 1000, # converting to MM EyeTrackerConstants.PUPIL_DIAMETER_MM, right_gaze_x, right_gaze_y, right_raw_x, right_raw_y, right_pupil_size, EyeTrackerConstants.PUPIL_DIAMETER, right_pupil_size_2 * 1000, # converting to MM EyeTrackerConstants.PUPIL_DIAMETER_MM, dial, dialv, gsr, gsrv, hr, hrv, hrp, status ] def _getIOHubEventObject(self, native_event_data): """ The _getIOHubEventObject method is called by the ioHub Process to convert new native device event objects that have been received to the appropriate ioHub Event type representation. """ self._latest_sample = native_event_data return self._latest_sample def _eyeTrackerToDisplayCoords(self, eyetracker_point): """ Converts GP3 gaze positions to the Display device coordinate space. """ gaze_x, gaze_y = eyetracker_point left, top, right, bottom = self._display_device.getCoordBounds() w, h = right - left, top - bottom x, y = left + w * gaze_x, bottom + h * (1.0 - gaze_y) return x, y def _displayToEyeTrackerCoords(self, display_x, display_y): """ Converts a Display device point to GP3 gaze position coordinate space. """ left, top, right, bottom = self._display_device.getCoordBounds() w, h = right - left, top - bottom return (left - display_x) / w, (top - display_y) / h def _close(self): if self._gp3: self.setRecordingState(False) self.setConnectionState(False) EyeTrackerDevice._close(self)

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