Using Plugins to Extend PsychoPy

Plugins are packages which can be loaded to extend core PsychoPy®, allowing third-party developers to add optional features and customizations.

PsychoPy’s plugin system functions as a dynamic import mechanism where modules define some objects (classes, functions, variables) and specify which namespaces to export them to. This process is handled automatically by the plugin loader and is more convenient than attempting to do the same using import statements.

Why use plugins?

Plugins are the easiest way to extend and modify PsychoPy’s default behaviour, without making permanent changes to the installed program files or contributing the changes to the PsychoPy® project. You can use plugins created by others, or make them yourself for whatever purpose. For instance, plugins can be used to add new stimulus classes to psychopy.visual, or modify the behaviour of existing classes and modules. This can be leveraged to add new features or to fix bugs between release cycles. Since plugins are standard Python packages, changes can be easily applied across multiple systems and shared with the PsychoPy® community.

Consider using plugins to distribute code which cannot be contributed to the main PsychoPy® project for reasons that may include:

  • Niche use, not many people use the feature and will add bloat to PsychoPy® which increases workload when testing and packaging.

  • Uses a GPL incompatible license or contains proprietary code. This allows users to distribute code with any licence they chose and permits compliance to non-disclosure agreements for companies. Using a plugin allows you to maintain complete ownership over your code.

  • Requires special or uncommon configurations to use (software or hardware). This includes features which are limited to specific operating systems, or requires hardware which the PsychoPy® dev team does not have regular access to.

  • Under heavy development where PsychoPy’s release cycle is inadequate to keep up with changes and bug fixes. Furthermore, the code may not be mature enough for inclusion with core PsychoPy®. Plugins provide an excellent way of field testing features before attempting to contribute it to the main project.

  • Contains changes that can possibly break PsychoPy which can accidentally affect existing experiments. If something breaks, users can simply disable the plugin.

  • Cannot be maintained long-term by the PsychoPy® developers.

Where can I find plugins?

Plugins are essentially Python packages and can be distributed, installed, and used like any other Python library. PsychoPy® plugin packages can be uploaded to The Python Package Index (PyPI) and installed using pip. You can also distribute and download plugins as ZIP archives which can be installed or accessed from a local repository.

Are plugins safe?

Like any Python package, plugins are capable of injecting and executing arbitrary code which can seriously harm your system, data, security and privacy. Therefore, the following precautions can be taken by users when using plugins:

  • Only use plugins that come from reliable and reputable sources. Only obtain packages from sources explicitly sanctioned by the author and not third-party websites.

  • Use anti-virus software to scan files in plugins which cannot be opened and read (i.e. compiled binaries) or request the author provide the source code.

  • Request a checksum from the plugin author to verify the integrity of the package you’ve obtained to detect possible tampering. Plugin authors who make their packages publicly available should be ready to provide checksum data associated with their packages to users who request it.

  • Audit the source code of plugins yourself (or by a trusted third-party) before installing a plugin. Ensure that the routines contained in the package appear to do only what the author describes.

  • If concerned about privacy, ensure that the plugin does not contain code that performs unsolicited file operations, modifications to system settings, or data transmission over a network (ie. internet). If unsure, request details from the author of the plugin or have the source code audited.

If you have or find any potential security or privacy issues regarding a plugin which arise from features that have not been disclosed by the author, you can contact the author regarding the issues and request clarification. Be respectful as the author may not be aware of the issue, believed that what they were doing was innocuous (eg. collecting anonymous usage data to better the software), or cannot divulge details about some aspect of their software (due to a non-disclosure agreement or proprietary third-party interface). If the author is unable to address your concerns in a timely or satisfactory manner, discontinue use of the plugin and remove it from your system.

How do I install plugins?

Plugins can be installed either by using pip or by running the file in the package. For instance, a plugin with project name psychopy-plugin the author uploaded to the The Python Package Index (PyPI) repository can be downloaded and installed by calling:

python -m pip install psychopy-plugin

You can also install packages contained in zip/egg files using the same command but substituting psychopy-plugin for the file name:

python -m pip install

How do I use a plugin?

A plugin can be loaded by calling the psychopy.plugins.loadPlugin() function. The name of the plugin to load is provided as a string, which should reflect the project name of the package. Note that a plugin can override the effects of other plugins loaded before it. Once a plugin is loaded, it cannot be unloaded until the Python session is restarted.

Calling loadPlugin() should preferably happen after importing psychopy and all other import statements for PsychoPy® modules. An example of loading a plugin called psychopy-plugin looks like this:

import psychopy
import psychopy.plugins as plugins

Some plugins may accept arguments for setup prior to attaching objects to PsychoPy®. You can pass positional and keyword arguments to loadPlugin() if you wish. Here is an example where we pass arguments to the plugin when loading it:

plugins.loadPlugin('psychopy-plugin', 9600, debug=True)

You can also have specific plugins loaded automatically when PsychoPy® starts by specifying their names in Preferences. This can be done in programmatically by calling:

from psychopy.preferences import prefs

Or by adding the name to “File” > “Preferences” > “General” > “startUpPlugins” in Builder or Coder. After restarting a PsychoPy® session, the specified plugins will be loaded automatically, and the user does not need to call loadPlugin() to enable them.


Plugins which contain Builder components need to be loaded on startup for the components to appear in Builder.

How do I find installed plugins?

The psychopy.plugins.listPlugins() function can be used to find all packages installed on the system which advertise themselves as PsychoPy® plugins. The function returns a list of strings indicating the project names of the plugin packages. You can then pass each of these strings to loadPlugins() to load them into the current session.

As an example, you can check if a plugin named psychopy-plugin is installed using the following code:

import psychopy
import psychopy.plugins as plugins
isInstalled = 'psychopy-plugin' in plugins.listPlugins()

# load it if installed
if isInstalled:

How do I make a plugin?

Have a cool idea you want to share with the world (or at least PsychoPy® users)? See Creating Plugins for in the developer documentation section for information about creating your own plugins.

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