AT THE MOMENT JOYSTICK DOES NOT APPEAR TO WORK UNDER PYGLET. We need someone motivated and capable to go and get this right (problem is with event polling under pyglet)
Control joysticks and gamepads from within PsychoPy.
You do need a window (and you need to be flipping it) for the joystick to be updated.
currently under pyglet the joystick axes initialise to a value of zero and stay like this until the first time that axis moves
currently pygame (1.9.1) spits out lots of debug messages about the joystick and these can’t be turned off :-/
Typical usage:
from psychopy.hardware import joystick
from psychopy import visual
joystick.backend='pyglet' # must match the Window
win = visual.Window([400,400], winType='pyglet')
nJoys = joystick.getNumJoysticks() # to check if we have any
id = 0
joy = joystick.Joystick(id) # id must be <= nJoys - 1
nAxes = joy.getNumAxes() # for interest
while True: # while presenting stimuli
# ...
win.flip() # flipping implicitly updates the joystick info
Joystick template class for the XBox 360 controller.
xbctrl = XboxController(0) # joystick ID y_btn_state = xbctrl.y # get the state of the ‘Y’ button
An object to control a multi-axis joystick or gamepad.
Currently under pyglet backends the axis values initialise to zero rather than reading the current true value. This gets fixed on the first change to each axis.
Clip the range of a value between -1.0 and +1.0. Needed for joystick axes.
val –
Get ‘back’ button state (button to the right of the left joystick).
bool, True if pressed down
Get the states of the hat (sometimes called the ‘directional pad’). The hat can only indicate direction but not displacement.
This function reports hat values in the same way as a joystick so it may be used interchangeably with existing analog joystick code.
Returns a tuple (X,Y) indicating which direction the hat is pressed between -1.0 and +1.0. Positive values indicate presses in the right or up direction.
tuple, zero centered X, Y values.
Get the state of the left joystick button; activated by pressing down on the stick.
bool, True if pressed down
Get the axis displacement values of the left thumbstick.
Returns a tuple (X,Y) indicating thumbstick displacement between -1.0 and +1.0. Positive values indicate the stick is displaced right or up.
tuple, zero centered X, Y values.
Get the states of multiple buttons using names. A list of button states is returned for each string in list ‘names’.
button_names – tuple or list of button names
Get right ‘shoulder’ trigger state.
bool, True if pressed down
Get the state of the right joystick button; activated by pressing down on the stick.
bool, True if pressed down
Get the axis displacement values of the right thumbstick.
Returns a tuple (X,Y) indicating thumbstick displacement between -1.0 and +1.0. Positive values indicate the stick is displaced right or up.
tuple, zero centered X, Y values.
Get ‘start’ button state (button to the left of the ‘X’ button).
bool, True if pressed down
Return a count of the number of joysticks available.
An object to control a multi-axis joystick or gamepad.
Currently under pyglet backends the axis values initialise to zero rather than reading the current true value. This gets fixed on the first change to each axis.
Get the current values of all available hats as a list of tuples.
Each value is a tuple (x, y) where x and y can be -1, 0, +1
Get the state of a given button.
buttonId should be a value from 0 to the number of buttons-1
Get the position of a particular hat.
The position returned is an (x, y) tuple where x and y can be -1, 0 or +1