Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 iSolver Software Solutions (C) 2021 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
import gc
import sys

import psutil

from ..errors import print2err
from psychopy import clock


[docs]class Computer(): """Computer provides access to OS and Process level functionality: * Read the current time in sec.msec format. The time base used is shared by the ioHub and PsychoPy processes. * Access the iohub and psychopy psutil.Process objects * Get / set process priority and affinity. * Read system memory and CPU usage Computer contains only static methods and class attributes. Therefore all supported functionality can be accessed directly from the Computer class itself; an instance of the class never needs to be created. """ #: Access to the psutil.Process class for the current system Process. current_process = psutil.Process() #: The psutil Process object for the ioHub Process. iohub_process = None #: If Computer class is on the iohub server process, psychopy_process is #: the psychopy process created from the pid passed to iohub on startup. #: The iohub server checks that this process exists #: (server.checkForPsychopyProcess()) and shuts down if it does not. psychopy_process = None #: The OS process ID of the ioHub Process. iohub_process_id = None #: True if the current process is the ioHub Server Process. False if the #: current process is the Experiment Runtime Process. is_iohub_process = False #: global_clock is used as the common time base for all devices #: and between the ioHub Server and Experiment Runtime Process. Do not #: access this class directly, instead use the Computer.getTime() #: and associated method name alias's to actually get the current ioHub # time. global_clock = clock.monotonicClock #: The name of the current operating system Python is running on. platform = sys.platform #: Python Env. bits: 32 or 64. Note that when a #: Python 32 bit runtime is used a 64 bit OS sysbits will equal 32. pybits = 32 + int(sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32) * 32 try: #: Attribute representing the number of *processing units* available on #: the current computer. This includes cpu's, cpu cores, and hyperthreads. #: #: processing_unit_count = num_cpus * cores_per_cpu * num_hyperthreads #: #: where: #: * num_cpus: Number of CPU chips on the motherboard #: (usually 1 now). #: * cores_per_cpu: Number of processing cores per CPU (2,4 is common) #: * num_hyperthreads: Hyper-threaded cores = 2, otherwise 1. processing_unit_count = psutil.cpu_count() #: The number of cpu cores available on the computer. #: Hyperthreads are NOT included. core_count = psutil.cpu_count(False) #hyperthreads not included except AttributeError: # psutil might be too old (cpu_count added in 2.0) import multiprocessing processing_unit_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() core_count = None # but not used anyway try: #: Process priority when first started. If process is set to #: high priority, this value is used when the process is set back to #: normal priority. _process_original_nice_value=psutil.Process().nice() # used on linux. except TypeError: # on older versions of psutil (in ubuntu 14.04) nice is attr not call _process_original_nice_value=psutil.Process().nice #: True if the current process is currently in high or real-time #: priority mode (enabled by calling Computer.setPriority()). in_high_priority_mode = False def __init__(self): print2err('WARNING: Computer is a static class, ' 'no need to create an instance. just use Computer.xxxxxx')
[docs] @staticmethod def getPriority(): """Returns the current processes priority as a string. This method is not supported on OS X. :return: 'normal', 'high', or 'realtime' """ proc_priority = Computer.current_process.nice() if Computer.platform == 'win32': if proc_priority == psutil.HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS: return 'high' if proc_priority == psutil.REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: return 'realtime' if proc_priority == psutil.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: return 'normal' else: if proc_priority <= REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: return 'realtime' if proc_priority <= HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS: return 'high' if proc_priority == Computer._process_original_nice_value: return 'normal' return proc_priority
@staticmethod def _setProcessPriority(process, nice_val, disable_gc): org_nice_val = Computer._process_original_nice_value try: process.nice(nice_val) Computer.in_high_priority_mode = nice_val != org_nice_val if disable_gc: gc.disable() else: gc.enable() return True except psutil.AccessDenied: print2err('WARNING: Could not set process {} priority ' 'to {}'.format(, nice_val)) return False
[docs] @staticmethod def setPriority(level='normal', disable_gc=False): """ Attempts to change the current processes priority based on level. Supported levels are: * 'normal': sets the current process priority to NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, or to the processes original nice value on Linux. * 'high': sets the current process priority to HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, or to a nice value of -10 value on Linux. * 'realtime': sets the current process priority to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, or to a nice value of -18 value on Linux. If level is 'normal', Python GC is also enabled. If level is 'high' or 'realtime', and disable_gc is True, then the Python garbage collection (GC) thread is suspended. This method is not supported on OS X. :return: Priority level of process when method returns. """ level = level.lower() current_process = Computer.current_process nice_val = Computer._process_original_nice_value if level == 'normal': disable_gc = False elif level == 'high': nice_val = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS if Computer.platform == 'win32': nice_val = psutil.HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS elif level.lower() == 'realtime': nice_val = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS if Computer.platform == 'win32': nice_val = psutil.REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS Computer._setProcessPriority(current_process, nice_val, disable_gc) return Computer.getPriority()
[docs] @staticmethod def getProcessingUnitCount(): """ Return the number of *processing units* available on the current computer. Processing Units include: cpu's, cpu cores, and hyper threads. Notes: * processing_unit_count = num_cpus*num_cores_per_cpu*num_hyperthreads. * For single core CPU's, num_cores_per_cpu = 1. * For CPU's that do not support hyperthreading, num_hyperthreads = 1, otherwise num_hyperthreads = 2. Args: None Returns: int: the number of processing units on the computer. """ return Computer.processing_unit_count
[docs] @staticmethod def getProcessAffinities(): """Retrieve the current PsychoPy Process affinity list and ioHub Process affinity list. For example, on a 2 core CPU with hyper-threading, the possible 'processor' list would be [0,1,2,3], and by default both the PsychoPy and ioHub Processes can run on any of these 'processors', so:: psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS=Computer.getProcessAffinities() print psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS >> [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2,3] If Computer.setProcessAffinities was used to set the PsychoPy Process to core 1 (index 0 and 1) and the ioHub Process to core 2 (index 2 and 3), with each using both hyper threads of the given core, the set call would look like:: Computer.setProcessAffinities([0,1],[2,3]) psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS=Computer.getProcessAffinities() print psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS >> [0,1], [2,3] If the ioHub is not being used (i.e self.hub is None), then only the PsychoPy Process affinity list will be returned and None will be returned for the ioHub Process affinity:: psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS=Computer.getProcessAffinities() print psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS >> [0,1,2,3], None **But in this case, why are you using the ioHub package at all? ;)** This method is not supported on OS X. Args: None Returns: (list,list) Tuple of two lists: PsychoPy Process affinity ID list and ioHub Process affinity ID list. """ curproc_affinity = Computer.current_process.cpu_affinity() iohproc_affinity = Computer.iohub_process.cpu_affinity() return curproc_affinity, iohproc_affinity
[docs] @staticmethod def setProcessAffinities(experimentProcessorList, ioHubProcessorList): """Sets the processor affinity for the PsychoPy Process and the ioHub Process. For example, on a 2 core CPU with hyper-threading, the possible 'processor' list would be [0,1,2,3], and by default both the experiment and ioHub server processes can run on any of these 'processors', so to have both processes have all processors available (which is the default), you would call:: Computer.setProcessAffinities([0,1,2,3], [0,1,2,3]) # check the process affinities psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS=Computer.getProcessAffinities() print psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS >> [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2,3] based on the above CPU example. If setProcessAffinities was used to set the experiment process to core 1 (index 0,1) and the ioHub server process to core 2 (index 2,3), with each using both hyper threads of the given core, the set call would look like:: Computer.setProcessAffinities([0,1],[2,3]) # check the process affinities psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS=Computer.getProcessAffinities() print psychoCPUs,ioHubCPUS >> [0,1], [2,3] Args: experimentProcessorList (list): list of int processor ID's to set the PsychoPy Process affinity to. An empty list means all processors. ioHubProcessorList (list): list of int processor ID's to set the ioHub Process affinity to. An empty list means all processors. Returns: None """ Computer.current_process.cpu_affinity(experimentProcessorList) Computer.iohub_process.cpu_affinity(ioHubProcessorList)
[docs] @staticmethod def autoAssignAffinities(): """Auto sets the PsychoPy Process and ioHub Process affinities based on some very simple logic. It is not known at this time if the implementation of this method makes any sense in terms of actually improving performance. Field tests and feedback will need to occur, based on which the algorithm can be improved. Currently: * If the system is detected to have 1 processing unit, or greater than 8 processing units, nothing is done by the method. * For a system that has two processing units, the PsychoPy Process is assigned to index 0, ioHub Process assigned to 1. * For a system that has four processing units, the PsychoPy Process is assigned to index's 0,1 and the ioHub Process assigned to 2,3. * For a system that has eight processing units, the PsychoPy Process is assigned to index 2,3, ioHub Process assigned to 4,5. All other processes running on the OS are attempted to be assigned to indexes 0,1,6,7. Args: None Returns: None """ cpu_count = Computer.processing_unit_count if cpu_count == 2: # print 'Assigning experiment process to CPU 0, ioHubServer process # to CPU 1' Computer.setProcessAffinities([0, ], [1, ]) elif cpu_count == 4: # print 'Assigning experiment process to CPU 0,1, ioHubServer # process to CPU 2,3' Computer.setProcessAffinities([0, 1], [2, 3]) elif cpu_count == 8: # print 'Assigning experiment process to CPU 2,3, ioHubServer # process to CPU 4,5, attempting to assign all others to 0,1,6,7' Computer.setProcessAffinities([2, 3], [4, 5]) Computer.setAllOtherProcessesAffinity( [0, 1, 6, 7], [Computer.currentProcessID, Computer.iohub_process_id]) else: print('autoAssignAffinities does not support %d processors.' % ( cpu_count,))
[docs] @staticmethod def getCurrentProcessAffinity(): """ Returns a list of 'processor' ID's (from 0 to Computer.processing_unit_count-1) that the current (calling) process is able to run on. Args: None Returns: None """ return Computer.current_process.cpu_affinity()
[docs] @staticmethod def setCurrentProcessAffinity(processorList): """ Sets the list of 'processor' ID's (from 0 to Computer.processing_unit_count-1) that the current (calling) process should only be allowed to run on. Args: processorList (list): list of int processor ID's to set the current Process affinity to. An empty list means all processors. Returns: None """ return Computer.current_process.cpu_affinity(processorList)
[docs] @staticmethod def setProcessAffinityByID(process_id, processor_list): """ Sets the list of 'processor' ID's (from 0 to Computer.processing_unit_count-1) that the process with the provided OS Process ID is able to run on. Args: processID (int): The system process ID that the affinity should be set for. processorList (list): list of int processor ID's to set process with the given processID too. An empty list means all processors. Returns: None """ p = psutil.Process(process_id) return p.cpu_affinity(processor_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def getProcessAffinityByID(process_id): """ Returns a list of 'processor' ID's (from 0 to Computer.processing_unit_count-1) that the process with the provided processID is able to run on. Args: processID (int): The system process ID that the affinity should be set for. Returns: processorList (list): list of int processor ID's to set process with the given processID too. An empty list means all processors. """ p = psutil.Process(process_id) return p.cpu_affinity()
[docs] @staticmethod def setAllOtherProcessesAffinity( processor_list, exclude_process_id_list=[]): """ Sets the affinity for all OS Processes other than those specified in the exclude_process_id_list, to the processing unit indexes specified in processor_list. Valid values in the processor_list are between 0 to Computer.processing_unit_count-1. exclude_process_id_list should be a list of OS Process ID integers, or an empty list (indicating to set the affiinty to all processing units). Note that the OS may not allow the calling process to set the affinity of every other process running on the system. For example, some system level processing can not have their affinity set by a user level application. However, in general, many processes can have their affinity set by another user process. Args: processor_list (list): list of int processor ID's to set all OS Processes to. An empty list means all processors. exclude_process_id_list (list): A list of process ID's that should not have their process affinity settings changed. Returns: None """ for p in psutil.pids(): if p not in exclude_process_id_list: try: psutil.Process(p).cpu_affinity(processor_list) except Exception: pass
@staticmethod def getProcessFromName(pnames, id_only=False): procs = [] if isinstance(pnames, str): pnames = [pnames, ] for p in psutil.process_iter(): if in pnames: if id_only: procs.append( else: procs.append(p) return procs
[docs] @staticmethod def getTime(): """ Returns the current sec.msec-msec time of the system. The underlying timer that is used is based on OS and Python version. Three requirements exist for the ioHub time base implementation: * The Python interpreter does not apply an offset to the times returned based on when the timer module being used was loaded or when the timer function first called was first called. * The timer implementation used must be monotonic and report elapsed time between calls, 'not' CPU usage time. * The timer implementation must provide a resolution of 50 usec or better. Given the above requirements, ioHub selects a timer implementation as follows: * On Windows, the Windows Query Performance Counter API is used using ctypes access. * On other OS's, if the Python version being used is 2.6 or lower, time.time is used. For Python 2.7 and above, the timeit.default_timer function is used. Args: None Returns: None """ return Computer.global_clock.getTime()
[docs] @staticmethod def syncClock(params): """ Sync parameters between Computer.global_clock and a given dict. Parameters ---------- params : dict Dict of attributes and values to apply to the computer's global clock. See `psychopy.clock.MonotonicClock` for what attributes to include. """ for key, value in params.items(): setattr(Computer.global_clock, key, value)
[docs] @staticmethod def getPhysicalSystemMemoryInfo(): """Return a class containing information about current memory usage. Args: None Returns: vmem: (total=long, available=long, percent=float, used=long, free=long) Where: * the total amount of memory in bytes. * vmem.available: the available amount of memory in bytes. * vmem.percent: the percent of memory in use by the system. * vmem.used: the used amount of memory in bytes. * the amount of memory that is free in bytes.On Windows, this is the same as vmem.available. """ m = psutil.virtual_memory() return m
[docs] @staticmethod def getCPUTimeInfo(percpu=False): """Return a float representing the current CPU utilization as a percentage. Args: percpu (bool): If True, a list of cputimes objects is returned, one for each processing unit for the computer. If False, only a single cputimes object is returned. Returns: object: (user=float, system=float, idle=float) """ return psutil.cpu_times_percent(percpu=percpu)
[docs] @staticmethod def getCurrentProcess(): """Get the current / Local process. On Windows and Linux, this is a psutil.Process class instance. Args: None Returns: object: Process object for the current system process. """ return Computer.current_process
[docs] @staticmethod def getIoHubProcess(): """Get the ioHub Process. On Windows and Linux, this is a psutil.Process class instance. Args: None Returns: object: Process object for the ioHub Process. """ return Computer.iohub_process

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