Source code for psychopy.iohub.client

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 iSolver Software Solutions (C) 2021 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

import os
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import json
import signal
import atexit
from weakref import proxy

import psutil

    import psychopy.logging as psycho_logging
except ImportError:
    psycho_logging = None
from ..lazy_import import lazy_import
from .. import IOHUB_DIRECTORY
from ..util import yload, yLoader
from ..errors import print2err, ioHubError, printExceptionDetailsToStdErr
from ..util import isIterable, updateDict, win32MessagePump
from ..devices import DeviceEvent, import_device
from import Computer
from ..devices.experiment import MessageEvent, LogEvent
from ..constants import DeviceConstants, EventConstants
from psychopy import constants

getTime = Computer.getTime


_currentSessionInfo = None

def windowInfoDict(win):
    windict = dict(handle=win._hw_handle, pos=win.pos, size=win.size,
                   units=win.units, useRetina=win.useRetina, monitor=None)
    if win.monitor:
        windict['monitor'] = dict(resolution=win.monitor.getSizePix(),
    return windict

def getFullClassName(klass):
    module = klass.__module__
    if module == 'builtins':
        return klass.__qualname__  # avoid outputs like 'builtins.str'
    return module + '.' + klass.__qualname__

class DeviceRPC():
    ioHubDeviceView creates an RPC interface with the iohub server. Each
    iohub device method exposed by an ioHubDeviceView is represented
    by an associated DeviceRPC instance.
    _log_time_index = DeviceEvent.EVENT_HUB_TIME_INDEX
    _log_text_index = LogEvent.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.index('text')
    _log_level_index = LogEvent.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.index('log_level')

    def __init__(self, sendToHub, device_class, method_name):
        self.device_class = device_class
        self.method_name = method_name
        self.sendToHub = sendToHub

    def _returnarg(a): # pragma: no cover
        return a

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Send the device method call request to the ioHub Server and wait
        # for the method return value sent back from the ioHub Server.
        r = self.sendToHub(('EXP_DEVICE', 'DEV_RPC', self.device_class,
                            self.method_name, args, kwargs))
        if r is None:
            # print("r is None:",('EXP_DEVICE', 'DEV_RPC', self.device_class,
            #                 self.method_name, args, kwargs))
            return None
        r = r[1:]
        if len(r) == 1:
            r = r[0]

        if self.method_name != 'getEvents':
            return r

        # The result of a call to an iohub Device getEvents() method
        # gets some special handling, converting the returned events
        # into the desired object type, etc...
        asType = 'namedtuple'
        if 'asType' in kwargs:
            asType = kwargs['asType']
        elif 'as_type' in kwargs:
            asType = kwargs['as_type']

        conversionMethod = self._returnarg
        if asType == 'dict':
            conversionMethod = ioHubConnection.eventListToDict
        elif asType == 'object':
            conversionMethod = ioHubConnection.eventListToObject
        elif asType == 'namedtuple':
            conversionMethod = ioHubConnection.eventListToNamedTuple

        if self.device_class != 'Experiment':
            return [conversionMethod(el) for el in r]

        LOG_EVT = LogEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ID
        toBeLogged = [el for el in r if el[EVT_TYPE_IX] == LOG_EVT]
        for l in toBeLogged:
            if psycho_logging:
                ltime = l[self._log_time_index]
                ltext = l[self._log_text_index]
                llevel = l[self._log_level_index]
                psycho_logging.log(ltext, llevel, ltime)
        return [conversionMethod(el) for el in r]

# pylint: disable=protected-access

class ioHubDeviceView():
    ioHubDeviceView is used as a client / PsychoPy process side representation
    of an ioHub device that is actually running on the separate iohub process.
    An ioHubDeviceView instance allows the PsychoPy script process to call
    public iohub device methods as if the device method calls were being made

    The ioHubConnection class creates an ioHubDeviceView instance for each
    ioHub device being run during the experiment.

    ioHubDeviceView instances are never created directly by a user script,
    they are created for you by the ioHubConnection class when
    it connects to the ioHub Process.

    def __init__(self, hubClient, device_class_path, device_class_name, device_config):
        self.hubClient = hubClient = device_config.get('name', device_class_name.lower())
        self.device_class = device_class_name

        rpc_request = ('EXP_DEVICE', 'GET_DEV_INTERFACE', device_class_name)
        r = self.hubClient._sendToHubServer(rpc_request)
        self._methods = r[1]

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in self._methods:
            r = DeviceRPC(self.hubClient._sendToHubServer, self.device_class, name)
            return r
        raise AttributeError(self, name)

    def getName(self):
        Gets the name given to the device in the ioHub configuration file.
        ( the device: name: property )


            (str): the user defined label / name of the device

    def getIOHubDeviceClass(self, full=False):
        Gets the ioHub Device class associated with the oHubDeviceView.
        This is specified for a device in the ioHub configuration file.
        ( the device: device_class: property )

        :param full:

            (class): ioHub Device class associated with this ioHubDeviceView

        if full:
            return self.device_class_path
        return self.device_class

    def getDeviceInterface(self):
        """getDeviceInterface returns a list containing the names of all
        methods that are callable for the ioHubDeviceView object. Only public
        methods are included in the interface. Any method beginning with a
        '_' is not included.


            (tuple): list of method names in the ioHubDeviceView interface.

        return self._methods

# pylint: enable=protected-access

class ioHubDevices():
    Provides .name access to the ioHub device's created when the ioHub
    Server is started. Each iohub device is accessible via a dynamically
    created attribute of this class, the name of which is defined by the
    device configuration 'name' setting. Each device attribute is an instance
    of the ioHubDeviceView class.

    A user script never creates an instance of this class directly, access
    is provided via the ioHubConnection.devices attribute.

    def __init__(self, hubClient):
        self.hubClient = hubClient
        self._devicesByName = dict()

    def addDevice(self, name, d):
        setattr(self, name, d)
        self._devicesByName[name] = d

    def getDevice(self, name):
        return self._devicesByName.get(name)

    def getAll(self):
        return self._devicesByName.values()

    def getNames(self):
        return self._devicesByName.keys()

[docs]class ioHubConnection(): """ioHubConnection is responsible for creating, sending requests to, and reading replies from the ioHub Process. This class is also used to shut down and disconnect the ioHub Server process. The ioHubConnection class is also used as the interface to any ioHub Device instances that have been created so that events from the device can be monitored. These device objects can be accessed via the ioHubConnection .devices attribute, providing 'dot name' access to enabled devices. Alternatively, the .getDevice(name) method can be used and will return None if the device name specified does not exist. Using the .devices attribute is handy if you know the name of the device to be accessed and you are sure it is actually enabled on the ioHub Process. An example of accessing a device using the .devices attribute:: # get the Mouse device, named mouse mouse=hub.devices.mouse mouse_position = mouse.getPosition() print('mouse position: ', mouse_position) # Returns something like: # >> mouse position: [-211.0, 371.0] """ ACTIVE_CONNECTION = None def __init__(self, ioHubConfig=None, ioHubConfigAbsPath=None): if ioHubConfig: if not isinstance(ioHubConfig, dict): raise ioHubError( 'The provided ioHub Configuration is not a dictionary.', ioHubConfig) if ioHubConnection.ACTIVE_CONNECTION is not None: raise RuntimeError('An existing ioHubConnection is already open. Use ' 'iohub.client.ioHubConnection.getActiveConnection() ' 'to access it; or use ' 'iohub.ioHubConnection.getActiveConnection().quit() ' 'to close it.') Computer.psychopy_process = psutil.Process() # udp port setup self.udp_client = None # the dynamically generated object that contains an attribute for # each device registered for monitoring with the ioHub server so # that devices can be accessed experiment process side by device name. self.devices = ioHubDevices(self) # A circular buffer used to hold events retrieved from self.getEvents() # during self.wait() periods. self.allEvents = [] self.experimentID = None self.experimentSessionID = None self._experimentMetaData = None self._sessionMetaData = None self._server_process = None self._iohub_server_config = None self._shutdown_attempted = False self._cv_order = None self._message_cache = [] self.iohub_status = self._startServer(ioHubConfig, ioHubConfigAbsPath) if self.iohub_status != 'OK': raise RuntimeError('Error starting ioHub server: {}'.format(self.iohub_status)) @classmethod def getActiveConnection(cls): return cls.ACTIVE_CONNECTION
[docs] def getDevice(self, deviceName): """ Returns the ioHubDeviceView that has a matching name (based on the device : name property specified in the ioHub_config.yaml for the experiment). If no device with the given name is found, None is returned. Example, accessing a Keyboard device that was named 'kb' :: keyboard = self.getDevice('kb') kb_events= keyboard.getEvent() This is the same as using the 'natural naming' approach supported by the .devices attribute, i.e:: keyboard = self.devices.kb kb_events= keyboard.getEvent() However the advantage of using getDevice(device_name) is that an exception is not created if you provide an invalid device name, or if the device is not enabled on the ioHub server; None is returned instead. Args: deviceName (str): Name given to the ioHub Device to be returned Returns: The ioHubDeviceView instance for deviceName. """ return self.devices.getDevice(deviceName)
[docs] def getEvents(self, device_label=None, as_type='namedtuple'): """Retrieve any events that have been collected by the ioHub Process from monitored devices since the last call to getEvents() or clearEvents(). By default all events for all monitored devices are returned, with each event being represented as a namedtuple of all event attributes. When events are retrieved from an event buffer, they are removed from that buffer as well. If events are only needed from one device instead of all devices, providing a valid device name as the device_label argument will result in only events from that device being returned. Events can be received in one of several object types by providing the optional as_type property to the method. Valid values for as_type are the following str values: * 'list': Each event is a list of ordered attributes. * 'namedtuple': Each event is converted to a namedtuple object. * 'dict': Each event converted to a dict object. * 'object': Each event is converted to a DeviceEvent subclass based on the event's type. Args: device_label (str): Name of device to retrieve events for. If None ( the default ) returns device events from all devices. as_type (str): Returned event object type. Default: 'namedtuple'. Returns: tuple: List of event objects; object type controlled by 'as_type'. """ r = None if device_label is None: events = self._sendToHubServer(('GET_EVENTS',))[1] if events is None: r = self.allEvents else: self.allEvents.extend(events) r = self.allEvents self.allEvents = [] else: r = self.devices.getDevice(device_label).getEvents() if r: if as_type == 'list': return r conversionMethod = None if as_type == 'namedtuple': conversionMethod = self.eventListToNamedTuple elif as_type == 'dict': conversionMethod = self.eventListToDict elif as_type == 'object': conversionMethod = self.eventListToObject if conversionMethod: return [conversionMethod(el) for el in r] return r return []
[docs] def clearEvents(self, device_label='all'): """Clears unread events from the ioHub Server's Event Buffer(s) so that unneeded events are not discarded. If device_label is 'all', ( the default ), then events from both the ioHub *Global Event Buffer* and all *Device Event Buffer's* are cleared. If device_label is None then all events in the ioHub *Global Event Buffer* are cleared, but the *Device Event Buffers* are unaffected. If device_label is a str giving a valid device name, then that *Device Event Buffer* is cleared, but the *Global Event Buffer* is not affected. Args: device_label (str): device name, 'all', or None Returns: None """ if device_label and isinstance(device_label, str): device_label = device_label.lower() if device_label == 'all': self.allEvents = [] self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'clearEventBuffer', [True, ])) try: self.getDevice('keyboard')._clearLocalEvents() except: pass else: d = self.devices.getDevice(device_label) if d: d.clearEvents() elif device_label in [None, '', False]: self.allEvents = [] self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'clearEventBuffer', [False, ])) try: self.getDevice('keyboard')._clearLocalEvents() except: pass else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid device_label value: {}'.format(device_label))
[docs] def sendMessageEvent(self, text, category='', offset=0.0, sec_time=None): """ Create and send an Experiment MessageEvent to the ioHub Server for storage in the ioDataStore hdf5 file. Args: text (str): The text message for the message event. 128 char max. category (str): A str grouping code for the message. Optional. 32 char max. offset (float): Optional sec.msec offset applied to the message event time stamp. Default 0. sec_time (float): Absolute sec.msec time stamp for the message in. If not provided, or None, then the MessageEvent is time stamped when this method is called using the global timer (core.getTime()). """ self.cacheMessageEvent(text, category, offset, sec_time) self._sendToHubServer(('EXP_DEVICE', 'EVENT_TX', self._message_cache)) self._message_cache = []
[docs] def cacheMessageEvent(self, text, category='', offset=0.0, sec_time=None): """ Create an Experiment MessageEvent and store in local cache. Message must be sent before it is saved to hdf5 file. Args: text (str): The text message for the message event. 128 char max. category (str): A str grouping code for the message. Optional. 32 char max. offset (float): Optional sec.msec offset applied to the message event time stamp. Default 0. sec_time (float): Absolute sec.msec time stamp for the message in. If not provided, or None, then the MessageEvent is time stamped when this method is called using the global timer (core.getTime()). """ self._message_cache.append(MessageEvent._createAsList(text, # pylint: disable=protected-access category=category, msg_offset=offset, sec_time=sec_time))
def sendMessageEvents(self, messageList=[]): if messageList: self.cacheMessageEvents(messageList) if self._message_cache: self._sendToHubServer(('EXP_DEVICE', 'EVENT_TX', self._message_cache)) self._message_cache = [] def cacheMessageEvents(self, messageList): for m in messageList: self._message_cache.append(MessageEvent._createAsList(**m)) def getHubServerConfig(self): """Returns a dict containing the current ioHub Server configuration. Args: None Returns: dict: ioHub Server configuration. """ return self._iohub_server_config def getSessionID(self): return self.experimentSessionID def getSessionMetaData(self): """Returns a dict representing the experiment session data that is being used for the current ioHub Experiment Session. Changing values in the dict has no effect on the session data that has already been saved to the ioHub DataStore. Args: None Returns: dict: Experiment Session metadata saved to the ioHub DataStore. None if the ioHub DataStore is not enabled. """ return self._sessionMetaData def getExperimentID(self): return self.experimentID def getExperimentMetaData(self): """Returns a dict representing the experiment data that is being used for the current ioHub Experiment. Args: None Returns: dict: Experiment metadata saved to the ioHub DataStore. None if the ioHub DataStore is not enabled. """ return self._experimentMetaData def wait(self, delay, check_hub_interval=0.02): # TODO: Integrate iohub event collection done in this version of wait # with psychopy wait() and deprecate this method. """Pause the experiment script execution for delay seconds. time.sleep() is used for delays > 0.02 sec (20 msec) During the wait period, events are received from iohub every 'check_hub_interval' seconds, being buffered so they can be accessed after the wait duration. This is done for two reasons: * The iohub server's global and device level event buffers do not start to drop events if one of the (circular) event buffers becomes full during the wait duration. * The number of events in the iohub process event buffers does not becaome too large, which could result in a longer than normal getEvents() call time. Args: delay (float): The sec.msec delay until method returns. check_hub_interval (float): The sec.msec interval between calls to io.getEvents() during the delay period. Returns: float: The actual duration of the delay in sec.msec format. """ stime = Computer.getTime() targetEndTime = stime + delay if check_hub_interval < 0: check_hub_interval = 0 if check_hub_interval > 0: remainingSec = targetEndTime - Computer.getTime() while remainingSec > check_hub_interval+0.025: time.sleep(check_hub_interval) events = self.getEvents() if events: self.allEvents.extend(events) # Call win32MessagePump so PsychoPy Windows do not become # 'unresponsive' if delay is long. win32MessagePump() remainingSec = targetEndTime - Computer.getTime() time.sleep(max(0.0, targetEndTime - Computer.getTime() - 0.02)) while (targetEndTime - Computer.getTime()) > 0.0: pass return Computer.getTime() - stime
[docs] def createTrialHandlerRecordTable(self, trials, cv_order=None): """ Create a condition variable table in the ioHub data file based on the a psychopy TrialHandler. By doing so, the iohub data file can contain the DV and IV values used for each trial of an experiment session, along with all the iohub device events recorded by iohub during the session. Example psychopy code usage:: # Load a trial handler and # create an associated table in the iohub data file # from import TrialHandler, importConditions exp_conditions=importConditions('trial_conditions.xlsx') trials = TrialHandler(exp_conditions, 1) # Inform the ioHub server about the TrialHandler # io.createTrialHandlerRecordTable(trials) # Read a row of the trial handler for # each trial of your experiment # for trial in trials: # do whatever... # During the trial, trial variable values can be updated # trial['TRIAL_START']=flip_time # At the end of each trial, before getting # the next trial handler row, send the trial # variable states to iohub so they can be stored for future # reference. # io.addTrialHandlerRecord(trial) """ trial = trials.trialList[0] self._cv_order = cv_order if cv_order is None: self._cv_order = trial.keys() trial_condition_types = [] for cond_name in self._cv_order: cond_val = trial[cond_name] if isinstance(cond_val, str): numpy_dtype = (cond_name, 'S', 256) elif isinstance(cond_val, int): numpy_dtype = (cond_name, 'i8') elif isinstance(cond_val, float): numpy_dtype = (cond_name, 'f8') else: numpy_dtype = (cond_name, 'S', 256) trial_condition_types.append(numpy_dtype) # pylint: disable=protected-access cvt_rpc = ('RPC', 'initConditionVariableTable', (self.experimentID, self.experimentSessionID, trial_condition_types)) r = self._sendToHubServer(cvt_rpc) return r[2]
[docs] def addTrialHandlerRecord(self, cv_row): """Adds the values from a TriaHandler row / record to the iohub data file for future data analysis use. :param cv_row: :return: None """ data = [] if isinstance(cv_row, (list, tuple)): data = list(cv_row) elif self._cv_order: for cv_name in self._cv_order: data.append(cv_row[cv_name]) else: data = list(cv_row.values()) for i, d in enumerate(data): if isinstance(d, str): data[i] = d.encode('utf-8') cvt_rpc = ('RPC', 'extendConditionVariableTable', (self.experimentID, self.experimentSessionID, data)) r = self._sendToHubServer(cvt_rpc) return r[2]
def registerWindowHandles(self, *winHandles): """ Sends 1 - n Window handles to iohub so it can determine if kb or mouse events were targeted at a psychopy window or other window. """ r = self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'registerWindowHandles', winHandles)) return r[2] def unregisterWindowHandles(self, *winHandles): """ Sends 1 - n Window handles to iohub so it can determine if kb or mouse events were targeted at a psychopy window or other window. """ r = self._sendToHubServer( ('RPC', 'unregisterWindowHandles', winHandles)) return r[2] def updateWindowPos(self, win, x, y): r = self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'updateWindowPos', (win._hw_handle, (x, y)))) return r[2]
[docs] def getTime(self): """ **Deprecated Method:** Use Computer.getTime instead. Remains here for testing time bases between processes only. """ return self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'getTime'))[2]
[docs] def syncClock(self, clock): """ Synchronise ioHub's internal clock with a given instance of MonotonicClock. """ params = { '_timeAtLastReset': clock._timeAtLastReset, '_epochTimeAtLastReset': clock._epochTimeAtLastReset, 'format': clock.format, } if isinstance(params['format'], type): params['format'] = params['format'].__name__ # sync clock in this process for key, value in params.items(): setattr(Computer.global_clock, key, value) # sync clock in server process return self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'syncClock', (params,)))
[docs] def setPriority(self, level='normal', disable_gc=False): """See Computer.setPriority documentation, where current process will be the iohub process.""" return self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'setPriority', [level, disable_gc]))[2]
[docs] def getPriority(self): """See Computer.getPriority documentation, where current process will be the iohub process.""" return self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'getPriority'))[2]
[docs] def getProcessAffinity(self): """ Returns the current **ioHub Process** affinity setting, as a list of 'processor' id's (from 0 to getSystemProcessorCount()-1). A Process's Affinity determines which CPU's or CPU cores a process can run on. By default the ioHub Process can run on any CPU or CPU core. This method is not supported on OS X at this time. Args: None Returns: list: A list of integer values between 0 and Computer.getSystemProcessorCount()-1, where values in the list indicate processing unit indexes that the ioHub process is able to run on. """ r = self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'getProcessAffinity')) return r[2]
[docs] def setProcessAffinity(self, processor_list): """ Sets the **ioHub Process** Affinity based on the value of processor_list. A Process's Affinity determines which CPU's or CPU cores a process can run on. By default the ioHub Process can run on any CPU or CPU core. The processor_list argument must be a list of 'processor' id's; integers in the range of 0 to Computer.processing_unit_count-1, representing the processing unit indexes that the ioHub Server should be allowed to run on. If processor_list is given as an empty list, the ioHub Process will be able to run on any processing unit on the computer. This method is not supported on OS X at this time. Args: processor_list (list): A list of integer values between 0 and Computer.processing_unit_count-1, where values in the list indicate processing unit indexes that the ioHub process is able to run on. Returns: None """ r = self._sendToHubServer( ('RPC', 'setProcessAffinity', processor_list)) return r[2]
def addDeviceToMonitor(self, device_class, device_config=None): """ Normally this method should not be used, as all devices should be specified when the iohub server is being started. Adds a device to the ioHub Server for event monitoring during the experiment. Adding a device to the iohub server after it has been started can take 10'2 to 100's of msec to perform on the ioHub server (depending on the device type). When the device is being added, events from existing devices can not be monitored. Args: device_class (str): The iohub class name of the device being added. device_config (dict): The device configuration settings to be set. Device settings not provided in device_config will be set to the default values specified by the device. Returns: DeviceView Instance: The PsychoPy Process's view of the ioHub Device created that was created, as would be returned if a device was accessed using the .devices attribute or the .getDeviceByLabel() method. """ if device_config is None: device_config = {} drpc = ('EXP_DEVICE', 'ADD_DEVICE', device_class, device_config) r = self._sendToHubServer(drpc) device_class_name, dev_name, _ = r[2] return self._addDeviceView(dev_name, device_class_name)
[docs] def flushDataStoreFile(self): """Manually tell the iohub datastore to flush any events it has buffered in memory to disk. Any cached message events are sent to the iohub server before flushing the iohub datastore. Args: None Returns: None """ self.sendMessageEvents() r = self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'flushIODataStoreFile')) return r
[docs] def startCustomTasklet(self, task_name, task_class_path, **class_kwargs): """ Instruct the iohub server to start running a custom tasklet given by task_class_path. It is important that the custom task does not block for any significant amount of time, or the processing of events by the iohub server will be negatively effected. See the demo for an example of how to make a long running task not block the rest of the iohub server. """ class_kwargs.setdefault('name', task_name) r = self._sendToHubServer(('CUSTOM_TASK', 'START', task_name, task_class_path, class_kwargs)) return r
[docs] def stopCustomTasklet(self, task_name): """ Instruct the iohub server to stop the custom task that was previously started by calling self.startCustomTasklet(....). task_name identifies which custom task should be stopped and must match the task_name of a previously started custom task. """ r = self._sendToHubServer(('CUSTOM_TASK', 'STOP', task_name)) return r
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Tells the ioHub Server to close all ioHub Devices, the ioDataStore, and the connection monitor between the PsychoPy and ioHub Processes. Then end the server process itself. Args: None Returns: None """ self._shutDownServer()
[docs] def quit(self): """Same as the shutdown() method, but has same name as PsychoPy core.quit() so maybe easier to remember.""" self.shutdown()
# Private Methods.....
[docs] def _startServer(self, ioHubConfig=None, ioHubConfigAbsPath=None): """Starts the ioHub Process, storing it's process id, and creating the experiment side device representation for IPC access to public device methods.""" experiment_info = None session_info = None hub_defaults_config = {} rootScriptPath = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if len(rootScriptPath)<=1: rootScriptPath = os.path.abspath(".") # >>>>> Load / Create / Update iohub config file..... cfpath = os.path.join(IOHUB_DIRECTORY, 'default_config.yaml') with open(cfpath, 'r') as config_file: hub_defaults_config = yload(config_file, Loader=yLoader) if ioHubConfigAbsPath is None and ioHubConfig is None: ioHubConfig = dict(monitor_devices=[dict(Keyboard={}), dict(Display={}), dict(Mouse={})]) elif ioHubConfig is not None and ioHubConfigAbsPath is None: if 'monitor_devices' not in ioHubConfig: raise KeyError("ioHubConfig must be provided with " "'monitor_devices' key:value.") if 'data_store' in ioHubConfig: iods = ioHubConfig['data_store'] if 'experiment_info' in iods and 'session_info' in iods: experiment_info = iods['experiment_info'] session_info = iods['session_info'] else: raise KeyError("ERROR: ioHubConfig:ioDataStore must " "contain both a 'experiment_info' and a " "'session_info' entry.") elif ioHubConfigAbsPath is not None and ioHubConfig is None: with open(ioHubConfigAbsPath, 'r') as config_file: ioHubConfig = yload(config_file, Loader=yLoader) else: raise ValueError('Both a ioHubConfig dict object AND a path to an ' 'ioHubConfig file can not be provided.') if ioHubConfig: updateDict(ioHubConfig, hub_defaults_config) if ioHubConfig and ioHubConfigAbsPath is None: if isinstance(ioHubConfig.get('monitor_devices'), dict): # short hand device spec is being used. Convert dict of # devices in a list of device dicts. devs = ioHubConfig.get('monitor_devices') devsList = [{dname: dc} for dname, dc in devs.items()] ioHubConfig['monitor_devices'] = devsList import tempfile with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='iohub', delete=False) as tfile: tfile.write(json.dumps(ioHubConfig)) ioHubConfigAbsPath = os.path.abspath( # <<<<< Finished Load / Create / Update iohub config file. self._iohub_server_config = ioHubConfig if sys.platform == 'darwin': self._osxKillAndFreePort() # >>>> Start iohub subprocess run_script = os.path.join(IOHUB_DIRECTORY, '') subprocessArgList = [sys.executable, run_script, '%.6f' % Computer.global_clock.getLastResetTime(), rootScriptPath, ioHubConfigAbsPath, "{}".format(] # To enable coverage in the iohub process, set the iohub\default_config # setting 'coverage_env_var' to the name of the coverage # config file that exists in the psychopy\iohub site-packages folder. # For example: # coverage_env_var: .coveragerc # # If coverage_env_var is None or the file is not found, # coverage of ioHub Server process is disabled. coverage_env_var = self._iohub_server_config.get('coverage_env_var') envars = dict(os.environ) if coverage_env_var not in [None, 'None']: coverage_env_var = "{}".format(coverage_env_var) cov_config_path = os.path.join(IOHUB_DIRECTORY, coverage_env_var) if os.path.exists(cov_config_path): print("Coverage enabled for ioHub Server Process.") else: print("ioHub Process Coverage conf file not found: %s", cov_config_path) envars['COVERAGE_PROCESS_START'] = coverage_env_var self._server_process = subprocess.Popen(subprocessArgList, env=envars, cwd=IOHUB_DIRECTORY, # set sub process stderr to be stdout so PsychoPy Runner # shows errors from iohub stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) # Get iohub server pid and psutil process object # for affinity and process priority setting. Computer.iohub_process_id = Computer.iohub_process = psutil.Process( global SHUTDOWN_FUNCS SHUTDOWN_FUNCS.append(self._shutDownServer) # >>>>> Create open UDP port to ioHub Server server_udp_port = self._iohub_server_config.get('udp_port', 9000) from import UDPClientConnection # initially open with a timeout so macOS does not hang. self.udp_client = UDPClientConnection(remote_port=server_udp_port, timeout=0.1) # If ioHub server does not respond correctly, # terminate process and exit the program. if self._waitForServerInit() is False: self._server_process.terminate() return "ioHub startup failed." # close and reopen blocking version of socket self.udp_client.close() self.udp_client = UDPClientConnection(remote_port=server_udp_port) # <<<<< Done Creating open UDP port to ioHub Server # <<<<< Done starting iohub subprocess ioHubConnection.ACTIVE_CONNECTION = proxy(self) # Send iohub server any existing open psychopy window handles. try: from psychopy.visual import window window.IOHUB_ACTIVE = True if window.openWindows: whs = [] # pylint: disable=protected-access for w in window.openWindows: winfo = windowInfoDict(w()) whs.append(winfo) w().backend.onMoveCallback = self.updateWindowPos self.registerWindowHandles(*whs) except ImportError: pass # Sending experiment_info if available..... if experiment_info: self._sendExperimentInfo(experiment_info) # Sending session_info if available..... if session_info: # print 'Sending session_info: {0}'.format(session_info) self._sendSessionInfo(session_info) # >>>> Creating client side iohub device wrappers... self._createDeviceList(ioHubConfig['monitor_devices']) return 'OK'
def _waitForServerInit(self): # >>>> Wait for iohub server ready signal .... hubonline = False # timeout if ioServer does not reply in 30 seconds timeout_duration = self._iohub_server_config.get('start_process_timeout', 30.0) timeout_time = Computer.getTime() + timeout_duration while hubonline is False and Computer.getTime() < timeout_time: r = self._sendToHubServer(['GET_IOHUB_STATUS', ]) if r: hubonline = r[1] == 'RUNNING' time.sleep(0.1) return hubonline # # <<<< Finished wait for iohub server ready signal ....
[docs] def _createDeviceList(self, monitor_devices_config): """Create client side iohub device views. """ # get the list of devices registered with the ioHub for device_config_dict in monitor_devices_config: device_class_name = list(device_config_dict.keys())[0] device_config = list(device_config_dict.values())[0] if device_config.get('enable', True) is True: try: self._addDeviceView(device_class_name, device_config) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print2err('_createDeviceList: Error adding class. ') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr()
[docs] def _addDeviceView(self, dev_cls_name, dev_config): """Add an iohub device view to self.devices""" try: name = dev_config.get('name', dev_cls_name.lower()) dev_cls_name = "{}".format(dev_cls_name) dev_name = dev_cls_name.lower() cls_name_start = dev_name.rfind('.') dev_mod_pth = 'psychopy.iohub.devices.' if cls_name_start > 0: dev_mod_pth2 = dev_name[:cls_name_start] dev_mod_pth = '{0}{1}'.format(dev_mod_pth, dev_mod_pth2) dev_cls_name = dev_cls_name[cls_name_start + 1:] else: dev_mod_pth = '{0}{1}'.format(dev_mod_pth, dev_name) # try to import EyeTracker class from given path try: dev_import_result = import_device(dev_mod_pth, dev_cls_name) except ModuleNotFoundError: # if not found, try importing from root (may have entry point) dev_import_result = import_device("psychopy.iohub.devices", dev_cls_name) dev_cls, dev_cls_name, evt_cls_list = dev_import_result DeviceConstants.addClassMapping(dev_cls) device_event_ids = [] for ev in list(evt_cls_list.values()): if ev.EVENT_TYPE_ID: device_event_ids.append(ev.EVENT_TYPE_ID) EventConstants.addClassMappings(device_event_ids, evt_cls_list) name_start = name.rfind('.') if name_start > 0: name = name[name_start + 1:] from .. import client as iohubclientmod local_class = None local_module = getattr(iohubclientmod, dev_cls_name.lower(), False) if local_module: # need to touch local_module since it was lazy loaded # pylint: disable=exec-used exec('import psychopy.iohub.client.{}'.format(dev_cls_name.lower())) local_class = getattr(local_module, dev_cls_name, False) if local_class: d = local_class(self, dev_cls_name, dev_config) else: d = ioHubDeviceView(self, dev_mod_pth + "." + dev_cls_name, dev_cls_name, dev_config) self.devices.addDevice(name, d) return d except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print2err('_addDeviceView: Error adding class. ') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() return None
def _convertDict(self, d): r = {} for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, bytes): v = str(v, 'utf-8') elif isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple): v = self._convertList(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): v = self._convertDict(v) if isinstance(k, bytes): k = str(k, 'utf-8') r[k]=v return r def _convertList(self, l): r = [] for i in l: if isinstance(i, bytes): r.append(str(i, 'utf-8')) elif isinstance(i, list) or isinstance(i, tuple): r.append(self._convertList(i)) elif isinstance(i, dict): r.append(self._convertDict(i)) else: r.append(i) return r
[docs] def _sendToHubServer(self, tx_data): """General purpose local <-> iohub server process UDP based request - reply code. The method blocks until the request is fulfilled and and a response is received from the ioHub server. Args: tx_data (tuple): data to send to iohub server Return (object): response from the ioHub Server process. """ try: # send request to host, return is # bytes sent. #print("SEND:",tx_data) self.udp_client.sendTo(tx_data) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.shutdown() raise e result = None try: # wait for response from ioHub server, which will be the # result data and iohub server address (ip4,port). result = self.udp_client.receive() if result: result, _ = result #print("RESULT:",result) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.shutdown() raise e # check if the reply is an error or not. If it is, raise the error. # TODO: This is not really working as planned, in part because iohub # server does not consistently return error responses when needed errorReply = self._isErrorReply(result) if errorReply: raise ioHubError(result) # Otherwise return the result if result is not None: # Use recursive conversion funcs if isinstance(result, list) or isinstance(result, tuple): result = self._convertList(result) elif isinstance(result, dict): result = self._convertDict(result) return result
[docs] def _sendExperimentInfo(self, experimentInfoDict): """Sends the experiment info from the experiment config file to the ioHub Server, which passes it to the ioDataStore, determines if the experiment already exists in the hdf5 file based on 'experiment_code', and returns a new or existing experiment ID based on that criteria. """ fieldOrder = (('experiment_id', 0), ('code', ''), ('title', ''), ('description', ''), ('version', '')) values = [] for key, defaultValue in fieldOrder: if key in experimentInfoDict: values.append(experimentInfoDict[key]) else: values.append(defaultValue) experimentInfoDict[key] = defaultValue r = self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'setExperimentInfo', (values,))) self.experimentID = r[2] experimentInfoDict['experiment_id'] = self.experimentID self._experimentMetaData = experimentInfoDict return r[2]
[docs] def _sendSessionInfo(self, sess_info): """Sends the experiment session info from the experiment config file and the values entered into the session dialog to the ioHub Server, which passes it to the ioDataStore. The dataStore determines if the session already exists in the experiment file based on 'session_code', and returns a new session ID if session_code is not in use by the experiment. """ if self.experimentID is None: raise RuntimeError("Experiment ID must be set by calling" " _sendExperimentInfo before calling" " _sendSessionInfo.") if 'code' not in sess_info: raise ValueError("Code must be provided in sessionInfoDict" " ( StringCol(24) ).") if 'name' not in sess_info: sess_info['name'] = '' if 'comments' not in sess_info: sess_info['comments'] = '' if 'user_variables' not in sess_info: sess_info['user_variables'] = {} org_sess_info = sess_info['user_variables'] sess_info['user_variables'] = json.dumps(sess_info['user_variables']) r = self._sendToHubServer(('RPC', 'createExperimentSessionEntry', (sess_info,)) ) self.experimentSessionID = r[2] sess_info['user_variables'] = org_sess_info sess_info['session_id'] = self.experimentSessionID self._sessionMetaData = sess_info return sess_info['session_id']
@staticmethod def eventListToObject(evt_data): """Convert an ioHub event currently in list value format into the correct ioHub.devices.DeviceEvent subclass for the given event type.""" evt_type = evt_data[DeviceEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ID_INDEX] return EventConstants.getClass(evt_type).createEventAsClass(evt_data) @staticmethod def eventListToDict(evt_data): """Convert an ioHub event currently in list value format into the event as a dictionary of attribute name, attribute values.""" if isinstance(evt_data, dict): return evt_data etype = evt_data[DeviceEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ID_INDEX] return EventConstants.getClass(etype).createEventAsDict(evt_data) @staticmethod def eventListToNamedTuple(evt_data): """Convert an ioHub event currently in list value format into the namedtuple format for an event.""" if not isinstance(evt_data, list): return evt_data etype = evt_data[DeviceEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ID_INDEX] return EventConstants.getClass(etype).createEventAsNamedTuple(evt_data) # client utility methods. def _getDeviceList(self): r = self._sendToHubServer(('EXP_DEVICE', 'GET_DEVICE_LIST')) return r[2] def _shutDownServer(self): if self._shutdown_attempted is False: # send any cached experiment messages self.sendMessageEvents() try: from psychopy.visual import window window.IOHUB_ACTIVE = False except ImportError: pass self._shutdown_attempted = True TimeoutError = psutil.TimeoutExpired try: if self.udp_client: # if it isn't already garbage-collected self.udp_client.sendTo(('STOP_IOHUB_SERVER',)) self.udp_client.close() if Computer.iohub_process: # This wait() used to have timeout=5, removing it to allow # sufficient time for all iohub devices to be closed. r = Computer.iohub_process.wait() print('ioHub Server Process Completed With Code: ', r) except TimeoutError: print('Warning: TimeoutExpired, Killing ioHub Server process.') Computer.iohub_process.kill() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("Warning: Unhandled Exception. " "Killing ioHub Server process.") if Computer.iohub_process: Computer.iohub_process.kill() printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() finally: ioHubConnection.ACTIVE_CONNECTION = None self._server_process = None Computer.iohub_process_id = None Computer.iohub_process = None return True
[docs] @staticmethod def _isErrorReply(data): """ Check if an iohub server reply contains an error that should be raised by the local process. """ # is it an ioHub error object? if isinstance(data, ioHubError): return True if isIterable(data) and len(data) > 0: d0 = data[0] if isIterable(d0): return False else: if isinstance(d0, str) and d0.find('ERROR') >= 0: return data return False else: return data #'Invalid Response Received from ioHub Server'
def _osxKillAndFreePort(self): server_udp_port = self._iohub_server_config.get('udp_port', 9000) p = subprocess.Popen(['lsof', '-i:%d'%server_udp_port, '-P'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8') lines = p.communicate()[0] for line in lines.splitlines(): if line.startswith('Python'): PID, userID = line.split()[1:3] # could verify same userID as current user, probably not needed os.kill(int(PID), signal.SIGKILL) print('Called os.kill(int(PID),signal.SIGKILL): ', PID, userID) def __del__(self): try: self._shutDownServer() ioHubConnection.ACTIVE_CONNECTION = None except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass
############################################################################## class ioEvent(): """ Parent class for all events generated by a psychopy.iohub.client Device wrapper. """ _attrib_index = dict() _attrib_index['id'] = DeviceEvent.EVENT_ID_INDEX _attrib_index['time'] = DeviceEvent.EVENT_HUB_TIME_INDEX _attrib_index['type'] = DeviceEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ID_INDEX def __init__(self, ioe_array, device=None): self._time = ioe_array[ioEvent._attrib_index['time']] self._id = ioe_array[ioEvent._attrib_index['id']] self._type = ioe_array[ioEvent._attrib_index['type']] self._device = device @property def device(self): """ The ioHubDeviceView that is associated with the event, i.e. the iohub device view for the device that generated the event. :return: ioHubDeviceView """ return self._device @property def time(self): """ The time stamp of the event. Uses the same time base that is used by psychopy.core.getTime() :return: float """ return self._time @property def id(self): """The unique id for the event; in some cases used to track associated events. :return: int """ return self._id @property def type(self): """The event type string constant. :return: str """ return EventConstants.getName(self._type) @property def dict(self): d = {} for k in self._attrib_index: d[k] = getattr(self, k) return d def __str__(self): return 'time: %.3f, type: %s, id: %d' % (self.time, self.type, def shutdownActiveConnections(): """Shutdown any active ioHub connections that are currently running. """ activeConnection = ioHubConnection.getActiveConnection() if activeConnection is not None and hasattr(activeConnection, 'shutdown'): activeConnection.shutdown() atexit.register(shutdownActiveConnections) _lazyImports = """ from psychopy.iohub.client.connect import launchHubServer from psychopy.iohub.client import keyboard from psychopy.iohub.client import wintab """ try: lazy_import(globals(), _lazyImports) except Exception as e: #pylint: disable=broad-except print2err('lazy_import Exception:', e) exec(_lazyImports) #pylint: disable=exec-used

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