Source code for psychopy.hardware.qmix

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Simple interface to the Cetoni neMESYS syringe pump system, based on the
`pyqmix <>`_ library. The syringe pump
system is described in the following publication:

    CA Andersen, L Alfine, K Ohla, & R Höchenberger (2018):
    "A new gustometer: Template for the construction of a portable and
    modular stimulator for taste and lingual touch."
    Behavior Research Methods. doi: 10.3758/s13428-018-1145-1

from psychopy import prefs, logging

# note that we avoid importing pyqmix until the methods/classes that use it
# that's partly because the pyqmix is a soft dependency and partly to
# reduce load times when it isn't needed (e.g. in the PsychoPy App)
volumeUnits = ['mL']
flowRateUnits = ['mL/s', 'mL/min']
configName = prefs.hardware['qmixConfiguration']
bus = None
pumps = []  # To keep track of all instantiated pumps
# syringeTypes could be fetched
syringeTypes = ['25 mL glass', '50 mL glass']

def _checkSyringeTypes():
    """Check that the hard-coded and lib-defined syringes match"""
    """NB the reason for this check:
    - we don't want to import qmix on importing this lib 
      (because it's a soft dependency not a hard one)
    - the only reason it needs importing before init of the bus/pump
      is to check the syringeTypes
    So we hard-code those (there are just 2 that rarely change) and
    then we check the hard-coded value matched the real thing  
    from pyqmix import pump
    libDefined = list(pump.syringes.keys())
        assert len(libDefined) == len(syringeTypes)
        for this in libDefined:
            assert this in syringeTypes
    except AssertionError:
        logging.warning(f"The syringe types in pyqmix used to be {syringeTypes} but "
                        f"now appears to be {libDefined}. psychopy.qmix needs updating")

def _init_bus():
    from pyqmix import config, QmixBus
    global bus

    bus = QmixBus()

def _init_all_pumps():
    # Initialize the very first pump to make its `n_pumps` property visible.
    # After that, instantiate all remaining pumps.
    p = Pump(index=0)
    n_pumps = p._pyqmix_pump.n_pumps
    [Pump(index=index) for index in range(1, n_pumps)]

[docs]class Pump: """ An interface to Cetoni neMESYS syringe pumps, based on the `pyqmix <>`_ library. """ def __init__(self, index, volumeUnit='mL', flowRateUnit='mL/s', syringeType='50 mL glass'): """ Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the pump. The first pump in the system has `index=0`, the second `index=1`, etc. volumeUnit: 'mL' The unit in which the volumes are provided. Currently, only `'ml'` is supported. flowRateUnit : 'mL/s' or 'mL/min The unit in which flow rates are provided. syringeType : '25 mL glass' or '50 mL glass' Type of the installed syringe, `as understood by pyqmix <>`_. """ from pyqmix import QmixPump # Only initialize the bus when instantiating the very first pump. if bus is None: _init_bus() self._pyqmix_pump = QmixPump(index=index) self.volumeUnit = volumeUnit self.flowRateUnit = flowRateUnit self.syringeType = syringeType self.index = index pumps.append(self) @property def fillLevel(self): """Current fill level of the syringe. """ return self._pyqmix_pump.fill_level @property def maxFlowRate(self): """Maximum flow rate the pump can provide with the installed syringe. """ return self._pyqmix_pump.max_flow_rate @property def isInFaultState(self): """Whether the pump is currently in a non-operational "fault state". To enable the pump again, call :meth:`~Pump.clearFaultState`. """ return self._pyqmix_pump.is_in_fault_state @property def syringeType(self): """Type of the installed syringe. """ return self._syringeType @syringeType.setter def syringeType(self, syringeType): self._pyqmix_pump.set_syringe_params_by_type(syringeType) self._syringeType = syringeType @property def volumeUnit(self): """The unit in which the volumes are provided. """ return self._volumeUnit @volumeUnit.setter def volumeUnit(self, volumeUnit): if volumeUnit not in volumeUnits: raise ValueError('Volume unit must be one of %s' % volumeUnits) self._pyqmix_pump.set_volume_unit(prefix='milli', unit='litres') self._volumeUnit = 'mL' @property def flowRateUnit(self): """The unit in which flow rates are provided. """ return self._flowRateUnit @flowRateUnit.setter def flowRateUnit(self, flowRateUnit): if flowRateUnit == 'mL/s': flow_time_unit = 'per_second' elif flowRateUnit == 'mL/min': flow_time_unit = 'per_minute' else: msg = 'Invalid flow rate unit: must be one of' %flowRateUnits raise ValueError(msg) self._pyqmix_pump.set_flow_unit(prefix='milli', volume_unit='litres', time_unit=flow_time_unit) self._flowRateUnit = flowRateUnit
[docs] def clearFaultState(self): """Switch the pump back to an operational state after an error had occurred. """ self._pyqmix_pump.clear_fault_state()
[docs] def calibrate(self, waitUntilDone=False): """Calibrate the syringe pump. You must not use this function if a syringe is installed in the pump as the syringe may be damaged! Parameters ---------- waitUntilDone : bool Whether to block program execution until calibration is completed. """ self._pyqmix_pump.calibrate(wait_until_done=waitUntilDone)
[docs] def dispense(self, volume, flowRate, waitUntilDone=False, switchValveWhenDone=False): """Dispense the specified volume. Parameters ---------- volume : float The volume to dispense. flowRate : float The desired flow rate. waitUntilDone : bool Whether to block program execution until calibration is completed. switchValveWhenDone : bool If `True`, switch the valve to aspiation position after the dispense is finished. Implies `wait_until_done=True`. """ if flowRate <= 0 or flowRate > self._pyqmix_pump.max_flow_rate: msg = ('Flow rate must be positive and <= .3%f %s' % (self.maxFlowRate, self.flowRateUnit)) raise ValueError(msg) self._pyqmix_pump.dispense(volume=volume, flow_rate=flowRate, wait_until_done=waitUntilDone, switch_valve_when_done=switchValveWhenDone)
[docs] def aspirate(self, volume, flowRate, waitUntilDone=False, switchValveWhenDone=False): """Aspirate the specified volume. Parameters ---------- volume : float The volume to aspirate. flowRate : float The desired flow rate. waitUntilDone : bool Whether to block program execution until calibration is completed. switchValveWhenDone : bool If `True`, switch the valve to dispense position after the aspiration is finished. Implies `wait_until_done=True`. """ if flowRate <= 0 or flowRate > self._pyqmix_pump.max_flow_rate: msg = ('Flow rate must be positive and <= .3%f %s' % (self.maxFlowRate, self.flowRateUnit)) raise ValueError(msg) self._pyqmix_pump.aspirate(volume=volume, flow_rate=flowRate, wait_until_done=waitUntilDone, switch_valve_when_done=switchValveWhenDone)
[docs] def fill(self, flowRate, waitUntilDone=False, switchValveWhenDone=False): """Fill the syringe entirely. Parameters ---------- flowRate : float The desired flow rate. waitUntilDone : bool Whether to block program execution until calibration is completed. switchValveWhenDone : bool If `True`, switch the valve to dispense position after the aspiration is finished. Implies `wait_until_done=True`. """ if flowRate <= 0 or flowRate > self._pyqmix_pump.max_flow_rate: msg = ('Flow rate must be positive and <= .3%f %s' % (self.maxFlowRate, self.flowRateUnit)) raise ValueError(msg) self._pyqmix_pump.fill(flow_rate=flowRate, wait_until_done=waitUntilDone, switch_valve_when_done=switchValveWhenDone)
[docs] def empty(self, flowRate, waitUntilDone=False, switchValveWhenDone=False): """Empty the syringe entirely. Parameters ---------- flowRate : float The desired flow rate. waitUntilDone : bool Whether to block program execution until calibration is completed. switchValveWhenDone : bool If `True`, switch the valve to aspirate position after the dispensing is finished. Implies `wait_until_done=True`. """ if flowRate <= 0 or flowRate > self._pyqmix_pump.max_flow_rate: msg = ('Flow rate must be positive and <= .3%f %s' % (self.maxFlowRate, self.flowRateUnit)) raise ValueError(msg) self._pyqmix_pump.empty(flow_rate=flowRate, wait_until_done=waitUntilDone, switch_valve_when_done=switchValveWhenDone)
[docs] def switchValvePosition(self): """Switch the valve to the opposite position. """ self._pyqmix_pump.valve.switch_position()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop any pump operation immediately. """ self._pyqmix_pump.stop()
class _PumpWrapperForBuilderComponent: """ Merely for use in the corresponding Builder component, to allow re-using the same Pump (in different components) within the same routine. To make this possible, we expose a `status` attribute, allowing e.g. one Pump Component to finish, while another Pump Component in the same routine will be left entirely unaffected, even if it is referring to the exact same Pump (i.e., same pump index). The methods implemented here simply pass on their arguments to the respective methods in the `Pump` instance (stored in `.pump`); this just happens for convenience: One can now e.g. invoke `_PumpWrapperForBuilderComponent.empty()` instead of `_PumpWrapperForBuilderComponent.pump.empty()`, which should make the code generated by Builder easier to read and work with. """ def __init__(self, pump): """ Parameters ---------- pump : Pump """ self.pump = pump self.status = None def fill(self, *args, **kwargs): self.pump.fill(*args, **kwargs) def empty(self, *args, **kwargs): self.pump.empty(*args, **kwargs) def stop(self): self.pump.stop() def switchValvePosition(self): self.pump.switchValvePosition() @property def syringeType(self): return self.pump.syringeType @syringeType.setter def syringeType(self, syringeType): self.pump.syringeType = syringeType @property def flowRateUnit(self): return self.pump.flowRateUnit @flowRateUnit.setter def flowRateUnit(self, flowRateUnit): self.pump.flowRateUnit = flowRateUnit

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