Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

"""Module for the PsychoPy GUI application.

__all__ = [

import sys
import os
from .console import StdStreamDispatcher
from .frametracker import openFrames

# Handle to the PsychoPy GUI application instance. We need to have this mainly
# to allow the plugin system to access GUI to allow for changes after startup.
_psychopyAppInstance = None

[docs]def startApp(showSplash=True, testMode=False, safeMode=False): """Start the PsychoPy GUI. This function is idempotent, where additional calls after the app starts will have no effect unless `quitApp()` was previously called. After this function returns, you can get the handle to the created `PsychoPyApp` instance by calling :func:`getAppInstance` (returns `None` otherwise). Errors raised during initialization due to unhandled exceptions with respect to the GUI application are usually fatal. You can examine 'last_app_load.log' inside the 'psychopy3' user directory (specified by preference 'userPrefsDir') to see the traceback. After startup, unhandled exceptions will appear in a special dialog box that shows the error traceback and provides some means to recover their work. Regular logging messages will appear in the log file or GUI. We use a separate error dialog here is delineate errors occurring in the user's experiment scripts and those of the application itself. Parameters ---------- showSplash : bool Show the splash screen on start. testMode : bool Must be `True` if creating an instance for unit testing. safeMode : bool Start PsychoPy in safe-mode. If `True`, the GUI application will launch with without loading plugins. """ global _psychopyAppInstance if isAppStarted(): # do nothing it the app is already loaded return # NOP # Make sure logging is started before loading the bulk of the main # application UI to catch as many errors as possible. After the app is # loaded, messages are handled by the `StdStreamDispatcher` instance. prefLogFilePath = None if not testMode: from psychopy.preferences import prefs from psychopy.logging import console, DEBUG # construct path to log file from preferences userPrefsDir = prefs.paths['userPrefsDir'] prefLogFilePath = os.path.join(userPrefsDir, 'last_app_load.log') lastRunLog = open(prefLogFilePath, 'w') # open the file for writing console.setLevel(DEBUG) # NOTE - messages and errors cropping up before this point will go to # console, afterwards to 'last_app_load.log'. sys.stderr = sys.stdout = lastRunLog # redirect output to file # Create the application instance which starts loading it. # If `testMode==True`, all messages and errors (i.e. exceptions) will log to # console. from import PsychoPyApp _psychopyAppInstance = PsychoPyApp( 0, testMode=testMode, showSplash=showSplash, safeMode=safeMode) # After the app is loaded, we hand off logging to the stream dispatcher # using the provided log file path. The dispatcher will write out any log # messages to the extant log file and any GUI windows to show them to the # user. # ensure no instance was created before this one if StdStreamDispatcher.getInstance() is not None: raise RuntimeError( '`StdStreamDispatcher` instance initialized outside of `startApp`, ' 'this is not permitted.') stdDisp = StdStreamDispatcher(_psychopyAppInstance, prefLogFilePath) stdDisp.redirect() if not testMode: # Setup redirection of errors to the error reporting dialog box. We # don't want this in the test environment since the box will cause the # app to stall on error. from import exceptionCallback # After this point, errors will appear in a dialog box. Messages will # continue to be written to the dialog. sys.excepthook = exceptionCallback # Allow the UI to refresh itself. Don't do this during testing where the # UI is exercised programmatically. _psychopyAppInstance.MainLoop()
[docs]def quitApp(): """Quit the running PsychoPy application instance. Will have no effect if `startApp()` has not been called previously. """ if not isAppStarted(): return global _psychopyAppInstance if hasattr(_psychopyAppInstance, 'quit'): # type check _psychopyAppInstance.quit() # PsychoPyApp._called_from_test = False # reset _psychopyAppInstance = None else: raise AttributeError('Object `_psychopyApp` has no attribute `quit`.')
[docs]def getAppInstance(): """Get a reference to the `PsychoPyApp` object. This function will return `None` if PsychoPy has been imported as a library or the app has not been fully realized. Returns ------- PsychoPyApp or None Handle to the application instance. Returns `None` if the app has not been started yet or the PsychoPy is being used without a GUI. Examples -------- Get the coder frame (if any):: import as app coder = app.getAppInstance().coder """ return _psychopyAppInstance # use a function here to protect the reference
def setAppInstance(obj): """ Define a reference to the current PsychoPyApp object. Parameters ---------- obj : Current instance of the PsychoPy app """ global _psychopyAppInstance _psychopyAppInstance = obj
[docs]def isAppStarted(): """Check if the GUI portion of PsychoPy is running. Returns ------- bool `True` if the GUI is started else `False`. """ return _psychopyAppInstance is not None
[docs]def getAppFrame(frameName): """Get the reference to one of PsychoPy's application frames. Returns `None` if the specified frame has not been fully realized yet or PsychoPy is not in GUI mode. Parameters ---------- frameName : str Identifier for the frame to get a reference to. Valid names are 'coder', 'builder' or 'runner'. Returns ------- object or None Reference to the frame instance (i.e. `CoderFrame`, `BuilderFrame` or `RunnerFrame`). `None` is returned if the frame has not been created or the app is not running. May return a list if more than one window is opened. """ if not isAppStarted(): # PsychoPy is not in GUI mode return None if frameName not in ('builder', 'coder', 'runner'): raise ValueError('Invalid identifier specified as `frameName`.') # open the requested frame if no yet loaded frameRef = getattr(_psychopyAppInstance, frameName, None) if frameRef is None: if frameName == 'builder' and hasattr(_psychopyAppInstance, 'showBuilder'): _psychopyAppInstance.showBuilder() elif frameName == 'coder' and hasattr(_psychopyAppInstance, 'showCoder'): _psychopyAppInstance.showCoder() elif frameName == 'runner' and hasattr(_psychopyAppInstance, 'showRunner'): _psychopyAppInstance.showRunner() else: raise AttributeError('Cannot load frame. Method not available.') return frameRef
if __name__ == "__main__": pass

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