
The eye-tracker record component provides a way to record eye movement data within an experiment. To do so, specify the starting time relative to the start of the routine (see start below) and a stop time (= duration in seconds). Before using the eye-tracking record component, you must specify your eye tracking device under experiment settings > Eyetracking. Here the available options are:

  • GazePoint

  • MouseGaze

  • SR Research Ltd (aka EyeLink)

  • Tobii Technology

If you are developing your eye-tracking paradigm out-of-lab we recommend using MouseGaze which will simulate eye movement responses through monitoring your mouse cursor and buttons to simulate movements and blinks.

The resulting eye-movement coordinates are stored and accessible through calling etRecord.pos where etRecord corresponds to the name of the eye-tracking record component, you can set something (e.g. a polygon) to be in the same location as the current “look” by setting the position field to :code:`etRecord.pos and setting the field to update on every frame When running an eye tracking study, you can optionally save the data in hdf5 format through selecting this option in the experiment settings > data tab.



Works in:


Note: Since this is still in beta, keep an eye out for bug fixes.




Everything in a PsychoPy® experiment needs a unique name. The name should contain only letters, numbers and underscores (no punctuation marks or spaces).

Record actions

Should this Component start and / or stop eye tracker recording?

Options: - Start and Stop - Start Only - Stop Only


The time that the stimulus should first play. See Defining the onset/duration of components for details.


The length of time (sec) to record for. An expected duration can be given for visualisation purposes. See Defining the onset/duration of components for details; note that only seconds are allowed.


Save onset/offset times

Store the onset/offset times in the data file (as well as in the log file).

Sync timing with screen refresh

Synchronize times with screen refresh (good for visual stimuli and responses based on them)


Disable Component

Disable this Component

See also

API reference for EyeTracker

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