Source code for psychopy.iohub.devices.eyetracker.hw.tobii.eyetracker

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 iSolver Software Solutions (C) 2021 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

import math
from psychopy.iohub.constants import EventConstants, EyeTrackerConstants
from psychopy.iohub.devices import Computer, Device
from psychopy.iohub.devices.eyetracker import EyeTrackerDevice
from psychopy.iohub.devices.eyetracker.hw.tobii.calibration import TobiiCalibrationProcedure
from psychopy.iohub.devices.eyetracker.eye_events import *
from psychopy.iohub.errors import print2err, printExceptionDetailsToStdErr
    from .tobiiwrapper import TobiiTracker
except Exception:
    print2err('Error importing tobiiwrapper.TobiiTracker')

[docs]class EyeTracker(EyeTrackerDevice): """ To start iohub with a Tobii eye tracker device, add the Tobii device to the dictionary passed to launchHubServer or the experiment's iohub_config.yaml:: eyetracker.hw.tobii.EyeTracker Examples: A. Start ioHub with a Tobii device and run tracker calibration:: from psychopy.iohub import launchHubServer from psychopy.core import getTime, wait iohub_config = {'eyetracker.hw.tobii.EyeTracker': {'name': 'tracker', 'runtime_settings': {'sampling_rate': 120}}} io = launchHubServer(**iohub_config) # Get the eye tracker device. tracker = io.devices.tracker # run eyetracker calibration r = tracker.runSetupProcedure() B. Print all eye tracker events received for 2 seconds:: # Check for and print any eye tracker events received... tracker.setRecordingState(True) stime = getTime() while getTime()-stime < 2.0: for e in tracker.getEvents(): print(e) C. Print current eye position for 5 seconds:: # Check for and print current eye position every 100 msec. stime = getTime() while getTime()-stime < 5.0: print(tracker.getPosition()) wait(0.1) tracker.setRecordingState(False) # Stop the ioHub Server io.quit() """ _tobii = None DEVICE_TIMEBASE_TO_SEC = 0.000001 EVENT_CLASS_NAMES = [ 'MonocularEyeSampleEvent', 'BinocularEyeSampleEvent', 'FixationStartEvent', 'FixationEndEvent', 'SaccadeStartEvent', 'SaccadeEndEvent', 'BlinkStartEvent', 'BlinkEndEvent'] __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): EyeTrackerDevice.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.model_name: self.model_name = self.model_name.strip() if len(self.model_name) == 0: self.model_name = None model_name = self.model_name serial_num = self.getConfiguration().get('serial_number') EyeTracker._tobii = None try: EyeTracker._tobii = TobiiTracker(serial_num, model_name) except Exception: print2err('Error creating Tobii Device class') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() # Apply license file if needed try: license_file = self.getConfiguration().get('license_file', "") if license_file != "": with open(license_file, "rb") as f: license = res = self._tobii._eyetracker.apply_licenses(license) if len(res) == 0: print2err("Successfully applied Tobii license from: {}".format(license_file)) else: print2err("Error: Failed to apply Tobii license from single key. " "Validation result: %s." % (res[0].validation_result)) else: print2err("No Tobii license_file in config. Skipping.") except Exception: print2err("Error calling Tobii.apply_licenses with file {}.".format(license_file)) printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() srate = self._runtime_settings['sampling_rate'] if srate and srate in self._tobii.getAvailableSamplingRates(): self._tobii.setSamplingRate(srate) self._latest_sample = None self._latest_gaze_position = None def trackerTime(self): """Current eye tracker time in the eye tracker's native time base. The Tobii system uses a usec timebase. Args: None Returns: float: current native eye tracker time. (in usec for the Tobii) """ if self._tobii: return self._tobii.getCurrentEyeTrackerTime() return EyeTrackerConstants.EYETRACKER_ERROR def trackerSec(self): """Current eye tracker time, normalized to sec.msec format. Args: None Returns: float: current native eye tracker time in sec.msec-usec format. """ if self._tobii: return self._tobii.getCurrentEyeTrackerTime() * self.DEVICE_TIMEBASE_TO_SEC return EyeTrackerConstants.EYETRACKER_ERROR def setConnectionState(self, enable): """ setConnectionState is a no-op when using the Tobii system, as the connection is established when the Tobii EyeTracker classes are created, and remains active until the program ends, or a error occurs resulting in the loss of the tracker connection. Args: enable (bool): True = enable the connection, False = disable the connection. Return: bool: indicates the current connection state to the eye tracking hardware. """ if self._tobii: return True return False def isConnected(self): """isConnected returns whether the Tobii is connected to the experiment PC and if the tracker state is valid. Returns True if the tracker can be put into Record mode, etc and False if there is an error with the tracker or tracker connection with the experiment PC. Args: None Return: bool: True = the eye tracking hardware is connected. False otherwise. """ if self._tobii: return True return False def sendMessage(self, message_contents, time_offset=None): """The sendMessage method is not supported by the Tobii implementation of the Common Eye Tracker Interface, as the Tobii SDK does not support saving eye data to a native data file during recording.""" return EyeTrackerConstants.EYETRACKER_INTERFACE_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED def sendCommand(self, key, value=None): """The sendCommand method is not supported by the Tobii Common Eye Tracker Interface.""" return EyeTrackerConstants.EYETRACKER_INTERFACE_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED
[docs] def runSetupProcedure(self, calibration_args={}): """runSetupProcedure performs a calibration routine for the Tobii eye tracking system. """ try: genv = TobiiCalibrationProcedure(self, calibration_args) genv.runCalibration() calibration_result = genv.cal_result_dict # On some graphics cards, we have to minimize before closing or the calibration window will stay visible # after close is called. genv.window.winHandle.set_visible(False) genv.window.winHandle.minimize() genv.window.close() genv._unregisterEventMonitors() genv.clearAllEventBuffers() return calibration_result except Exception: print2err('Error during runSetupProcedure') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() return EyeTrackerConstants.EYETRACKER_ERROR
[docs] def enableEventReporting(self, enabled=True): """enableEventReporting is functionally identical to the eye tracker device specific enableEventReporting method.""" try: enabled = EyeTrackerDevice.enableEventReporting(self, enabled) self.setRecordingState(enabled) return enabled except Exception as e: print2err('Error during enableEventReporting') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() return EyeTrackerConstants.EYETRACKER_ERROR
[docs] def setRecordingState(self, recording): """setRecordingState is used to start or stop the recording of data from the eye tracking device. args: recording (bool): if True, the eye tracker will start recordng available eye data and sending it to the experiment program if data streaming was enabled for the device. If recording == False, then the eye tracker stops recording eye data and streaming it to the experiment. If the eye tracker is already recording, and setRecordingState(True) is called, the eye tracker will simple continue recording and the method call is a no-op. Likewise if the system has already stopped recording and setRecordingState(False) is called again. Args: recording (bool): if True, the eye tracker will start recordng data.; false = stop recording data. Return: bool: the current recording state of the eye tracking device """ if self._tobii and recording is True and not self.isRecordingEnabled(): #ioHub.print2err("Starting Tracking... ") self._tobii.startTracking(self._handleNativeEvent) return EyeTrackerDevice.enableEventReporting(self, True) elif self._tobii and recording is False and self.isRecordingEnabled(): self._tobii.stopTracking() #ioHub.print2err("Stopping Tracking... ") self._latest_sample = None self._latest_gaze_position = None return EyeTrackerDevice.enableEventReporting(self, False) return self.isRecordingEnabled()
[docs] def isRecordingEnabled(self): """isRecordingEnabled returns the recording state from the eye tracking device. Args: None Return: bool: True == the device is recording data; False == Recording is not occurring """ if self._tobii: return self._tobii._isRecording return False
[docs] def getLastSample(self): """Returns the latest sample retrieved from the Tobii device. The Tobii system always using the BinocularSample Event type. Args: None Returns: None: If the eye tracker is not currently recording data. EyeSample: If the eye tracker is recording in a monocular tracking mode, the latest sample event of this event type is returned. BinocularEyeSample: If the eye tracker is recording in a binocular tracking mode, the latest sample event of this event type is returned. """ return self._latest_sample
[docs] def getLastGazePosition(self): """Returns the latest 2D eye gaze position retrieved from the Tobii device. This represents where the eye tracker is reporting each eye gaze vector is intersecting the calibrated surface. In general, the y or vertical component of each eyes gaze position should be the same value, since in typical user populations the two eyes are yoked vertically when they move. Therefore any difference between the two eyes in the y dimension is likely due to eye tracker error. Differences between the x, or horizontal component of the gaze position, indicate that the participant is being reported as looking behind or in front of the calibrated plane. When a user is looking at the calibration surface , the x component of the two eyes gaze position should be the same. Differences between the x value for each eye either indicates that the user is not focussing at the calibrated depth, or that there is error in the eye data. The above remarks are true for any eye tracker in general. The getLastGazePosition method returns the most recent eye gaze position retrieved from the eye tracker device. This is the position on the calibrated 2D surface that the eye tracker is reporting as the current eye position. The units are in the units in use by the Display device. If binocular recording is being performed, the average position of both eyes is returned. If no samples have been received from the eye tracker, or the eye tracker is not currently recording data, None is returned. Args: None Returns: None: If the eye tracker is not currently recording data or no eye samples have been received. tuple: Latest (gaze_x,gaze_y) position of the eye(s) """ return self._latest_gaze_position
def _setSamplingRate(self, sampling_rate): return self._tobii.setSamplingRate(sampling_rate) def _poll(self): """The Tobii system uses a callback approach to providing new eye data as it becomes available, so polling (and therefore this method) are not used.""" pass def _handleNativeEvent(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method is called every time there is new eye data available from the Tobii system, which will be roughly equal to the sampling rate eye data is being recorded at. The callback needs to return as quickly as possible so there is no chance of overlapping calls being made to the callback. Therefore this method simply puts the event data received from the eye tracker device, and the local ioHub time the callback was called, into a buffer for processing by the ioHub event system. """ if self.isReportingEvents(): try: logged_time = Computer.getTime() tobii_logged_time = self._tobii.getCurrentLocalTobiiTime() * self.DEVICE_TIMEBASE_TO_SEC eye_data_event = args[0] data_delay = tobii_logged_time - (eye_data_event['system_time_stamp'] * self.DEVICE_TIMEBASE_TO_SEC) device_event_time = eye_data_event['device_time_stamp'] iohub_event_time = (logged_time - data_delay) self._addNativeEventToBuffer( (logged_time, device_event_time, iohub_event_time, data_delay, eye_data_event)) return True except Exception: print2err('ERROR IN _handleNativeEvent') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() else: print2err( 'self._handleNativeEvent called but isReportingEvents == false') def _getIOHubEventObject(self, native_event_data): """The _getIOHubEventObject method is called by the ioHub Server to convert new native device event objects that have been received to the appropriate ioHub Event type representation. The Tobii ioHub eye tracker implementation uses a callback method to register new native device events with the ioHub Server. Therefore this method converts the native Tobii event data into an appropriate ioHub Event representation. Args: native_event_data: object or tuple of (callback_time, native_event_object) Returns: tuple: The appropriate ioHub Event type in list form. """ try: logged_time, device_event_time, iohub_event_time, data_delay, eye_data_event = native_event_data event_type = EventConstants.BINOCULAR_EYE_SAMPLE left_gaze_x, left_gaze_y = eye_data_event['left_gaze_point_on_display_area'] right_gaze_x, right_gaze_y = eye_data_event['right_gaze_point_on_display_area'] status = 0 if eye_data_event['left_gaze_point_validity'] > 0: left_gaze_x, left_gaze_y = self._eyeTrackerToDisplayCoords( (left_gaze_x, left_gaze_y)) else: status += 20 if eye_data_event['right_gaze_point_validity'] > 0: right_gaze_x, right_gaze_y = self._eyeTrackerToDisplayCoords( (right_gaze_x, right_gaze_y)) else: status += 2 right_gx, right_gy, right_gz = eye_data_event['right_gaze_origin_in_trackbox_coordinate_system'] left_gx, left_gy, left_gz = eye_data_event['left_gaze_origin_in_trackbox_coordinate_system'] confidenceInterval = 0.0 binocSample = [ 0, 0, 0, # device id (not currently used) Device._getNextEventID(), event_type, device_event_time, logged_time, iohub_event_time, confidenceInterval, data_delay, 0, # filtered id (always 0 right now) left_gaze_x, left_gaze_y, EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, left_gx, left_gy, left_gz, EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left Eye Angle x EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left Eye Angle y EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left Camera Sensor position x EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left Camera Sensor position y eye_data_event['left_pupil_diameter'], EyeTrackerConstants.PUPIL_DIAMETER_MM, EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left pupil size measure 2 EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left pupil size measure 2 type EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left PPD x EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left PPD y EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left velocity x EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left velocity y EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Left velocity xy right_gaze_x, right_gaze_y, EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right Eye Angle z right_gx, right_gy, right_gz, EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right Eye Angle x EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right Eye Angle y EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right Camera Sensor position x EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right Camera Sensor position y eye_data_event['right_pupil_diameter'], EyeTrackerConstants.PUPIL_DIAMETER_MM, EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right pupil size measure 2 EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right pupil size measure 2 type EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right PPD x EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # Right PPD y EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # right velocity x EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # right velocity y EyeTrackerConstants.UNDEFINED, # right velocity xy status ] self._latest_sample = binocSample if eye_data_event['left_gaze_point_validity'] == eye_data_event['right_gaze_point_validity'] == 0: self._latest_gaze_position = None elif eye_data_event['left_gaze_point_validity'] == eye_data_event['right_gaze_point_validity'] == 1: self._latest_gaze_position = [(right_gaze_x + left_gaze_x) / 2.0, (right_gaze_y + left_gaze_y) / 2.0] elif eye_data_event['left_gaze_point_validity'] == 1: self._latest_gaze_position = [left_gaze_x, left_gaze_y] elif eye_data_event['right_gaze_point_validity'] == 1: self._latest_gaze_position = [right_gaze_x, right_gaze_y] self._last_callback_time = logged_time return binocSample except Exception: printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() return None def _eyeTrackerToDisplayCoords(self, eyetracker_point): """Converts Tobii gaze positions to the Display device coordinate space.""" gaze_x, gaze_y = eyetracker_point left, top, right, bottom = self._display_device.getCoordBounds() w, h = right - left, top - bottom x, y = left + w * gaze_x, bottom + h * (1.0 - gaze_y) return x, y def _displayToEyeTrackerCoords(self, display_x, display_y): """Converts a Display device point to Tobii gaze position coordinate space.""" left, top, right, bottom = self._display_device.getCoordBounds() w, h = right - left, top - bottom return (left - display_x) / w, (top - display_y) / h def _close(self): if EyeTracker._tobii: EyeTracker._tobii.disconnect() EyeTracker._tobii = None EyeTrackerDevice._close(self)

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